When Lisa was falling she leand on to the wall even more.
- Wait let me help you
- No no I alredy caused you enough trouble. I can go home and treat myself.
- Yeah. No. I can't just leave you. If I went through so mutch trouble just to save you I won't let you die because of blood loss.
- Okay okay. But what do you want to do. If you think that I'll tell you where I live forget it. I realy don't want to tell you this especially after you safed me but what if you are some kind of pervert who helped me only because you wanted to gain my trust. Maby I don't look like one with my face coverd but I AM a teenage girl after all.
- Calm down. I'm NOT a pervert.
- This is exactly what a pervert would say.
- And this is also what not a pervert like me would say. Agh. Just forget it. I can't belive what I'm saying rigth now but we'll just go to where I live.
- Huh? Do you think I'm dumb?
- What now?
- How am I supposed to know if you won't lock me in there or take me in some weird place?
- You're starting to get on my nerves.
- Excuse me!?
She grabbed her bag that was laying against the wall and was about to walk away but she didn't even take one full step and she lost her balance. She almost fell to the ground. In last minute Arlo catched her in his arms.
- See? You can't do it on your own and I won't leave you. You don't have a choice.
- Okay
Arlo turned back to her.
- Hop on I'll cary you. Don't argue because if you do I'll take you in a bride style. A ride on my back will be more comfortable for both of us.
The girl hasitated for a seckend but ended up climbing on to the boy. They walked in silence. Arlo couldn't see her face so he assumed that she fell asleep. Well he was half rigth she was to exhausted to talk.
What a day. I fought two people a handsome boy safed me. And to top it off he is taking me to his home. I wonder ... Whats his name? Why is he taking me to his home? How long will it take till we get there? And more importantly. Why did he safe me?
All the way back to the boys apartment both of them was lost in their own thoughts. The thing they didn't knew was that they were asking them self the same questions.
When they finaly arrived. Arlo took Lisa and layed her in his bed. One thing he knew he needed to do to treat her wounds is to take off her clothes. He decided to tell her this so she won't think that he's a pervert again.
- Hey you need to take off your clothes so I can bandait your wounds. I'll give you a T-shirt.
He went through his closet eventually he found what he looked for. It was the snallest T-shirt he had. When he come back with shirt and a first aid kit he found her only in her underwear and mask. He looked at her body. She had a slim waist. Her legs were long and slender, and her hands hung freely at her sides. As for her breasts there wasn't very big. There were a little bit above avrige. But what caugth his attention were scars. She didn't have a lot of them but there still were. Some bigger some smaller most of them wasn't very visible. But there was one pretty big on her chest. The scar was already a litte faded what meant it was quite old. He studied it for a moment before he got out of the trans.
After about 10 minuts all her wounds were covered by bandaits. Well almost all.
- Hey I need to take off your mask. Is that okay? You still have some injuries on your cheek.
If i take my mask off he will see my face. I still don't know if I can trust him... Well from the other side he already saw my body what's the harm in leting him see my face.
She thougth about it for a moment. When Arlo was about to go taking it as a no she taked off her mask.
- Here
She walked up closer to him. He quickly tale care of a scratch on her cheek.
- And all done. Here put this. You can sleep here. If anything hppen just call me.
- Okay em...
- It's Arlo
- Well then goodnigth Arlo
After the door closed she took of her bra. Then put on the T-shirt and hop on the bed.
Feels warm. I realy want to sleep. No no I can't. I need to get up and go. But its soooooo comfortable. And in my current condition I won't be able to get home. I guess I can go to sleep. Just for a little while.
Arlo walked out of the room and walked to the kitchen. He made him self a cup of cofe. He then sat down in the living room and begin to do his homework. After about 1 hour he was done.
I guess I should go to sleep now. Tomarrow is Friday after all. I wonder how did she get thoes scars. Propebly from figths she is a hero. Now that I think about it why did she become one. Just who is this girl and how many secrets dose she have.
Arlo drifted to sleep while thinking about mysterious girl that was peacfully sleeping inside his bed.
When Lisa woke up she looked around her for a bit. After a minute she spotted her phone.
It's already 7.30 am? I guess I'll just lay for a bit then. It's Saturday after all. Wait. It's Friday! I'll be late to school. Why didn't he woke me up?!
She quickly put on her pants. She gather rest of her clothes and put them in her bag. She then run out of the bedroom. When She got to the living room she saw Arlo sleeping on the sofa.
Shoul I woke him up? I saw that he had Wellstones uniform. He propebly goes there. And if he dose he will be late too. Ugh! I'm just wasting time standing here and thinking.
She run up to him. And begin to poke him.
- Hey Arlo. Wake up. Hey. Arlo!
- What do you want?
- It's Friday.
- And what about it?
- It's already 7.40.
- What?! Why didn't my alarm go off?
- How am I supposed to know? Anyway I need to go. Thank you again and bay.
Lisa then run out of his apartment. She went to her home and after changing to her uniform she realized something.
Wait I forgot to give him his tshirt back!
Arlo run to the school bur he end up late to his first lesson anyway. He decided he will just go to the rooftop.
Well yesterday surely was something. And I was late today. Anyway why did I even helped her. She is a hero. She is a nuisance to society. I shoul have left her. But when I saw her bleeding amd hopeless. I couldn't just walk away. And to top it all I took her to my home. I did so many stupid things. All my actions are irrational. What's wrong with me? Did I get sick? It's all... I forgot to ask her real name. Damn it!

The One and Only || Arlo x oc ||
Fanfiction!!!ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE!!! Lisa is a little above avrige teenage girl. She is pretty powerful so she is a queen in her school. The only problem is that she hates this whole hierarch thing because she thinks that everybody is equal. But...