Today was the day that Lisa was supposed to meet Arlo. All day she wanted to know what did he want to tell her. When she finaly got to his place she walked in and find him sitting on the sofa watching something on his phone.
- Hi Arlo.
- Oh! Lisa your here.
- So what did you want to talk about?
- Tell me Lisa ...
He took a deep breath and lookedback at her.
- Why did you become a hero? Is our society realy that broken?
The girl looked at him a little shocked. From their first meeting he always thougth that everything in the society is rigth and all the heros are bad. But now the same boy was sitting in front of her asking those questions.
- I... You suprised me with this... How about I awnser the questions first. Then you can tell me what happend to make you think about that okay?
The boy nod his head and they sat down comfortably across from eachother they covered themselfs with a blanket.
- Well remember when we were talking about my past?
- Yeah.
- When I was 6 I said something... happened the thing made me want to be a hero...
- What. What happened?
- I had a friend. He was a son of a maid in my mansion. His name was Haru. He was my only friend. He told me a story about how when he was little he his mom and dad lived with his grandparents in a low tier city. One day someone showed up and started abuseing his power. Haru's dad oposed him and almost died but a hero showed up he saved his dad and defited the man. Haru's dad ended up on a whellchair but he was alive. We were fascinated by that story. We started dreaming about becoming heros and being the most powerful duo in the world. So we played heroes we had lots of fun. But we all know everything that's nice needs to end. When my parents found out I was in contact with someone and playing a hero they basicly ended his family his mom was fiered. They send her of ruining her reputation. She couldn't get a new job. The grandparents lost their insurence and health care. They died the same year. His dad couldn't get employed because of his disability. His mother was devastated... She comited suicide. His father become homeless and Haru himself was taken to the orphanedge. Every sience then he hated me. But I sword to become a hero to fix this society so everyone gets a chcance to become someone no matter if the person is strong or no if it's a low tier or a god tier. The thing is everyone should be equal in chances to educate themselfs and to live a life of their choice but that's not the case so I want to change that. This is my reason and my point in life.
- I understand.
- So what happened. You always bolived in authorieties and now you ask that questions.
- I-i had a talk with Remi and my aunt today. My aunt works for them. Remi accused my aunt of killing her brother Rei and atacking her. But I don't know who to belive. I had my suspections about the authorieties and what are they duing for a while now but my aunt works with them. She is the only part of my family that genuly cares for me. Or so I think. A part of me knows that this is true but the other one just can't let it get to him. I just don't know what to do anymore.
- You said something about Rei wasn't that the previous king of Wellstone? The one you tallked about so much?
- Yeah.
- You said that he was killed and that your a- oh no Arlo I'm so so so sorry
The weight of this got to her. This must have felt horrible. It was as if Arisa killed Sera. It would be absolutly devastating. And the worst part would be the betrayel. The feeling of being marcylessly stabbed in the back by the only person you could trust. The person you would give your live for. But this didn't happen to her. This happened to Arlo and that's why she had to foucus on him rigtht now. But in the back of her head there was a little voice still being able to imagine the pain the boy is going through. But this won't be her. Arisa wouldn't do that. Right...?
She saw him tear up and hugged him.
- It's okay. I know it's a lot to take in. You can cry. You can cry all you want. We have all the time in the world and I'm not going to lave you here alone.
- I... I just don't... don't know... what to do anymore
She could feel all his emotions while his tears were falling onto her shirt. She pulled him closer to ger chcest and tightened her grip around him. After few hours and little talks it was already nigth time.
They were curently in a position where Lisa was laying on her back and Arlo was on top of her. His face burried in between her neck and shoulder. Her hand was messing with his hair.
- Somtimes I fell like runnig away. You know being like fucki it all.
- Yeah I know how it fells...
Should I ask? No... He dosen't fell that way. But maby? . . . I... I won't lose anything if I do... Okay I'll ask. YOU CAN DO IT LISA!! Why am I cheering on my self. I'm so weird.
- Hey Arlo..?
- Hmm...
- Do you... How do you... fell... about me?
Lisa looked down to see Arlo asleep.
- Well I guess I can forgive you. You had a rough day. But next time I ask you need to awnser me. Goodnight then Arlo.
She gently kissed the top of his head and pulled the blankets up covering them both with them. She quickly fell aslep in the arms of someone she new she loved or atlest liked realy realy mutch.

The One and Only || Arlo x oc ||
Fanfiction!!!ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE!!! Lisa is a little above avrige teenage girl. She is pretty powerful so she is a queen in her school. The only problem is that she hates this whole hierarch thing because she thinks that everybody is equal. But...