The next day was finaly Saturday. Lisa could finaly rest. At lest that what she thougth. Until she realized that she had a meeting. She was a queen and all the royals from her school were meeting at Saturday to talk about school stuff. So she run to the meeting expecting to be late but luckly for her she was just in time. When she got home she was exhausted. They were talking about some mid tier students atacking low tiers. This was a problem because most of the schools mid tiers was involved in this. And there were only 3 people powerful enough to stop the figths and who are willing to help. Counting in 3 royals there were 6 people and that wasn't enough.
This is getting on my nerves. I need to clear my head. Then I can think about it again.
Just when she was thinking sound of message filled the room.
Arlo was laying on his bed. He was thinking about Lisa. He couldn't get what was that about her that intrigued him so mutch. When he looked at his phone he saw a message. It was from unknown number. He unlocked his phone and started to read it.
- Hi. I'm just texting to tell you I got home safe. And I realy enjoyed today. We should definitely do it again. It's Lisa by the way. Goodnigth. It's propebly from Lisa.
I don't know. Should I massage her? I would like to meet with her. But she could be busy. I don't want to interupt her. Why do I care about it anyway? Ugh fuck it.
Hi. It's Arlo
No she knows its me she messaged me first.
Hi. I was wondering would you like to go out? If you don't want to it's fine.
Nah I sound like a teenage boy who is writing to his crush for the first time.
Hi. Do you have time today?
This should do it. And send. Now just to wait for her reply. I guess I can go make myself something to eat while I wait for-
Arlo's thougths were interpiuted by a sound of a notification.
Lisa's texts
Arlo's texts
Actualy you are writing on perfect time. I just finish everything I had to do today. And I have to get my thougths of school problems. So if you dont mind would you like to meet it about 15 minutes?
Sure. How about we go to the same cafe we went last time?
Sounds great. See you then.
After few minutes the couple were waiting for there orders.
- So what is that school problem you were talking about
- Just mid tiers bullying low tiers. But not so many high tiers are willing to hepl.
- It sounds tough.
- Yeah. But lets litten up the mood. I don't want to talk about school.
- I understand. So whats your favorite food?
- Huh? That come out of blue.

The One and Only || Arlo x oc ||
Fanfiction!!!ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE!!! Lisa is a little above avrige teenage girl. She is pretty powerful so she is a queen in her school. The only problem is that she hates this whole hierarch thing because she thinks that everybody is equal. But...