A Shocking Start

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Many thanks to jettmanas, who kindly did most of the illustrations for this story.


Time. Space. Reality. It's more than a linear path. It's a prism of endless possibility, where a single choice can branch out into infinite realities, creating alternate worlds from the ones you know.

I am the Watcher. I am your guide through these vast new realities. Follow me, and ponder the question... What if?


It was a beautiful day in the streets of San Francisco, and lots of people were outside enjoying the warm sunshine, doing various things like shopping and eating out. As the city's various citizens went about their different plans for the day, they did not pay much heed to the armoured security van driving down Market Street. Inside the van were two security guards, who were keeping a close eye on a sealed metal box, containing a valuable diamond for one of the city's museums.

"Ah, this is a pretty dull job," yawned the first guard, who was feeling bored out of his mind. "I feel like a glorified postman."

"Yeah, well this is a pretty valuable delivery we're having to watch over here, Mike," said his companion. "The gem in that box is worth at least a billion dollars. I wouldn't put it past some joker to try and snatch it off us."

Famous last words, for at that precise moment, the whole van came to a violent stop, as though it had just hit a brick wall, before it flew across the street and landed with a loud crash. Inside the van, the guards and the driver were tossed about like tennis balls and rendered unconscious. They were fortunate not to have been killed, but they were still quite powerless to stop the rear doors from being blasted open, whereupon a masked figure in a yellow and brown outfit clambered in. Spotting the metal box, the masked man raised his fists, attached to which were a pair of silver gauntlets. As he pressed a control on the gauntlets, a beam of energy shot out of them both, striking the box at point blank range and blasting off the reinforced lid as though it were cardboard.

"Yeah!" the Shocker said elatedly to himself, as he reached into the box and removed the glittering diamond. "This little beauty is my guarantee for a nice retirement in the Caribbean. These security fools were ready for a more conventional attack, but not the power of my vibro-shock gauntlets. Blasting this van off the road was a piece of cake."

But as the Shocker began to clamber out of the van, he was startled when a sticky web-line shot through the air, snagged the diamond in his hand, and then wrenched the gem right out of his grasp! Spinning around, the Shocker spotted a female figure perched on top of a lamppost, garbed in a skin-tight white suit, with a pink mid-section and head-covering mask, covered with a white web-pattern. On the centre of girl's chest was a blue spider-emblem, the same shade as the frame of the lenses on her mask, while a pair of underarm webs in a fading coloured pattern of purple and pink completed the ensemble.

 On the centre of girl's chest was a blue spider-emblem, the same shade as the frame of the lenses on her mask, while a pair of underarm webs in a fading coloured pattern of purple and pink completed the ensemble

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"Hey, old guy! Aren't you a bit past your prime for jewel heists?" said the girl jokingly, as she held out the diamond in her hand.

"Spider-Girl!" snarled the Shocker. "You give that back right now!"

Without even waiting for a response, the Shocker fired at Spider-Girl with his gauntlets, but the young crime-fighter leapt out of the way and dodged the energy beams with ease.

"No way, pal!" said Spider-Girl as she fired another web-line and swung around the Shocker. "You've got a date to keep in prison, and I'd hate for you to be late!"

"Insolent wretch!" snapped the Shocker as he fired blast after blast at his enemy. "I've had to put up with Spider-Man's meddling in the past, but I'm not going to put up with the same from his kid!"

His rage growing, the Shocker began firing all over the place, the deadly blasts from his gauntlets smashing into various cars and buildings.

"Uh-oh! I better stop this bozo now, before anyone-else gets hurt!" Spider-Girl thought to herself, as she flung herself at the Shocker, her feet colliding right into the masked criminal and sending him crashing to the ground. As the villain tried to scramble to his feet, Spider-girl fired more webbing that splattered all over his eyes.

"Gah! Can't see!" cried the Shocker as he tried to pull the webbing off his face. Taking advantage of her foe being distracted, Spider-Girl launched herself forward and delivered a strong knockout punch to the Shocker's jaw, sending him straight to dreamland. Spider-Girl then removed his Gauntlets and webbed him up, then made her way over to the armoured van to check on the driver and the guards. Within minutes, she had all three men out and quickly checked them over for injuries as they came round.

"No major bones seem to be broken," said Spider-Girl to the now-awake guards. "But you better take things easy after that roller-coaster ride!"

"Thanks, Spider-Girl," said the driver in gratitude. "We're sure glad to have someone like you in San Francisco."

Grinning behind her mask, Spider-Girl handed the diamond back to the guards as police cars began to arrive, then she leapt into the air and began to swing away on her web-lines.

"Well that was fun," Spider-Girl thought to herself, "but I better head back home now. After all, the daughter of Peter and Gwen Parker still has some serious studying to do!"

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