Chapter 1

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Hey guys! I know it's been a while...a huge while actually! I wrote a lot of stories but I feel like this one needs to be read first. I haven't completed yet so the end is still unknown to me too! I'll try to post every week or fortnight...sorry everyone! But you all know how hard the life of a student is, so bear with me. Thanks y'all! Hope you like this first chapter!

Ladybug and Cat Noir remained on the roof for a while, sitting close to each other.

-Thank you for staying beside me. whispered Ladybug, her head on his shoulder.

-Anytime m'lady. His arm around her, bringing her closer.

She felt safe and secured in his arms. However, even though she trusted Cat with her life, she felt guilty. Cat Noir came back even though she lied and betrayed him several times. She had already lost all the miraculouses, she couldn't bear to lose him. The words "Except me" remained in her mind. Cat Noir was her only and loyal partner again, experience told her that she should be truthful and honest even though it would hurt. It would break his heart but she had to. It would be the right thing to do.

Taking a deep breath, she pulled herself away from him, they were both soaked in the rain. They didn't care at all right now. Breathlessly she said,

-We have to talk.

And they did, for a long time, under the rain. Everything was shared, nightmares, doubts, feelings...tears protected and unseen by the rain, hugs, soft and gentle was a new beginning, a new start. New resolutions, no lies, only them against the world. Cat Noir forgave her simply because he understood her. He loved her...he believed in her. She always had a solution. They could fight Shadowmoth, get back all the other miraculouses even if his death was included in the process. He knew. He knew that they would do anything in their power to get all the miraculouses back.

-You and me against the world m'lady. He said again smiling.

She smiled too, for the first time after everything had happened.

-Us against the world...she repeated. Come I have to show you something...

"Marinette's room/house"

-Why are we at Marinette's? Oh my- cried Cat Noir. Are you-?

-Let's go inside first, shall we? She replied slowly as they both entered. To their amazement, they heard a cry.

-Finally! Mari! Are you- cried Alya.

Ladybug/Marinette ran to hug her best friend, interrupting her. And realised that Luka was with her.

-He knows...explained Alya. He came here at the same time as I did to check on you. He knows who you are...since Wishmaker...

-I don't care, she replied as she hugged Luka too. How are the others? Are you guys ok? Is anyone hurt?

-We're fine, replied Luka. The most important thing is how are you?

-Yeah! What's the plan? Asked Alya.

-T-The p-plan?

-We're all going to fight alongside you, you know that, right?

-No. said Ladybug shaking her head. I am the guardian. It started with and because of me. I am the one who has to the end this. I have to.

-You mean, WE have to end this. Said Cat Noir stepping in the conversation for the same time, placing a hand on her shoulder.

-Still? She asked.

-Always m'lady.

Ladybug nodded, focusing back her attention on both Luka and Alya.

-I'm so sorry, I accidentally revealed your- started Alya.

-That's ok. I was going to do it anyway. Cut out Ladybug. I promise I'll call you if I need your help. Deal?

-Deal. And you better stand by it girl!

-I will. She said as she hugged her again.

"Between Cat Noir and Luka"

-It was a pleasure to see you again Cat Noir. Said Luka, shaking his hand.

-Likewise. He replied smiling then asked, do you know...who I am also?

-Of course I do. Marinette is amazing, I lost her because her heart belonged to someone you. Don't let her go...

-I won't.

Both Alya and Luka went away leaving the two heroes alone. Ladybug went to her sewing box, seeing that it was empty, she fell on her knees. Seeing the empty miraculous box by herself just made it so real. She felt so weak and hopeless. Cat Noir joined her on the floor, stroking her hair, his arms around her, holding her closely to him.

-Just...stay with me for a while...she said between her sobs, burying her face against his chest.

-Always m'lady...always...

It made him miserable seeing his lady so heart broken. He wished he could take all her pain and bear it for her.

-Everything will be fine...he whispered to her ear.

-No it won't. she said getting away from him.

-What do you mean?


-The Celestial Guardian?

-Yes...he said that I could keep the miraculous box but if I made one mistake, but only one...he would take it away...and I did! I messed up! The only thing I had to do was to "guard the miraculouses", "protect the miraculouses" and I failed! I failed! She snapped pacing around her room. It's not as if I can repair my memory will be erased anyway...I-

Cat Noir got up and placed his hands on her shoulders to prevent her from walking any further. There was nothing but love and worry in his eyes. Taking a deep breath, he said,

-I love you, I always have and always will. I definitely won't let Su-Han wipe your memory away. You are my partner, my best friend, my other half, my-

Ladybug interrupted him with a kiss. His lips burning against hers. It was as if electricity was running through his body. He kissed her back for a long and passionate kiss. He didn't want to stop but they eventually had to part for air and breathlessly Ladybug said as her lips brushed his,

-Maybe you should add "girlfriend" to the list?

Cat Noir's eyes shone like Christmas lights, the smirking, he replied,

-I thought it was already included...

Just then Su-Han entered through Marinette's trapdoor. He said nothing and just stood there, his eyes full of anger. As Celestial guardian, he was able to control his emotions in the most incredible ways. Judging from his blank expression, he was mad. His eyes were firing angry looks towards Ladybug. She nodded to him and he acknowledged the sign by stomping his cane on the floor. Ladybug looked back at her kitty, his arms still around her waist.

-Promise me something...she murmured...promise me that you will make me fall in love again with you. No matter what it takes...

-You know quite well that's not going to happen m'lady.

She looked at him questioningly as he continued talking.

-I told you that I would protect you on my life Bug...then turning to Su-Han he said,

-Not today bro...or maybe never...but all I know is that as long as I am alive, you will not wipe m'lady's memory as if it was out?

Holding Ladybug tightly, he cataclysmed the floor below then and both fell on the kitchen floor.

Hope you liked this first chapter! Thanks for reading! Vote and comment if this chapter deserves it. 

Until next time!

You and me against the world (A Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now