Chapter 9

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Hi everyone! Here is chapter 9. Hope you like it!

"At school"

Taking a deep breath, Marinette clenched her hands into fists trying to calm down. She hadn't slept at all last night, designing a Ladybug dress. It was wonderful. A red slim half shoulder dress with a spotted scarf and mask. She could already picture Juleka in it, if of course she won, the garments would be presented on models of choice! If somehow she won, even if the chances were very low, she had already chosen Luka and Juleka, if not them...Adrien and Kagami. Kagami would make a perfect Ladybug.

The sudden ring of the bell snapped her out of her thoughts; she closed her eyes for just a second. She had large purple bags under them. Sleep deprivation due to stress? Sadness? Anger? Guilt? All of it? She felt like she had the world on her shoulders. She missed Adrien so much, she couldn't stand that he was with someone else who was...her friend. She tried to push her partner away from her head as she walked out of the school with Alya. Just then, Adrien and Kagami caught up with them.

-Hey guys! Greeted Adrien, Kagami to his arm.

-Hey sunshine boy! Said Alya.

-Hey Marinette! Greeted Adrien again, he was smiling but weirdly, it didn't reach his eyes.

That's when Marinette's heart crumbled to pieces. His expression was unreadable and it scared her. Adrien didn't seem as well as he pretended to be, what was wrong? She wished she could ask him but it wasn't her place to do so. She mumbled a quick "Hi" and saw Kagami holding on tighter to Adrien's arm. Her eyes full of hope and love. She couldn't see this anymore. She needed an escape. She wasn't ready. She wasn't as ready as she thought she was to see Adrien and Kagami together while she was so close to them.

-I think I...uhh forgot something in the lockers. Yeah! Yeah, I forgot something...she said with a nervous laugh.

She ran away, nearly tripping a couple of times without looking back. Tears threatened her eyes and she waited until she was safely behind the doors to start crying. The tears didn't fall, there was just a loud throb from her throat making as if she was chocking. She transformed and went home. Just as she landed, Alya opened the trapdoor and asked with anxious eyes,

-Are you alright?

-Yes...I will be. She replied smiling, then changing the subject, she asked. Shall we get started?

-Yes! Replied Alya excitedly. "Operation sew until we have no more fingers" on the go! Let's start while waiting for the others.

A few minutes later, the whole sewing crew were there: Rose, Juleka, Mylene and even Alix came to help Marinette out! Marinette realised that she was so grateful and lucky to have all those friends to help her. She mouthed a "Thank you" to Alya, who winked at her in return. Hours passed and the Ladybug dress was nearly done. Everyone was absorbed in their work and talked at the same time.

-Go. Whispered Alya as she nudged her best friend.

-What do you mean?

-Take a break, go cry somewhere. You need to let it all out it seems...

-I don't-

-Please girl, I'm your best friend, I know you like the back of my hand...besides, it is your hand, which is trembling, and I'm afraid you might sew on it instead. Interrupted Alya.

-Al, I-

-Go. She said again, staring so angrily at Marinette that the latter could only reply,

-Yes ma'am.

Marinette managed to invent some illogical excuse. The only words they could get were "emergency", "Grandpa" and "Mr Banana?" That didn't sound right, did it? Before they could make a sense of what she was saying, Marinette was already gone. She transformed in a dark alley and swinged to the Eiffel Tower.

"Eiffel Tower"

-Get a grip! Scolded Ladybug to herself. You love Adrien but you can't have him! He loves Kagami and he forgot everything anyway. Suffer in silence, that's your punishment, so deal with it. Don't ruin it for everyone. Calm down Mari...he forgot...he is happy and that's all that matters...his happiness...

She fell on her knees, sobbing as the sun was setting. She sat against a metal bar, holding on tightly to it, afraid that her spasms might make her lose her balance and fall off. She tried to relax but to no avail, her pulse rate accelerating...

"Adrien's happiness, Adrien's happiness..." she said to herself. Inhaling a lot of cool air, she squared her shoulders and it soothed her a little bit. She wiped her tears away just when a dark leather suit hero sat next to her. She must not have heard his light footsteps, to focused on controlling her breathing.

-Did I miss patrol m'lady?

-No patrol today kitty, I just came here to be away for a while...

-Yeah me too...are you alright? He asked as he turned to face her. Light reflecting his emerald eyes.

-Yes. She lied. She couldn't help herself but cup his cheek and run her thumb just below his mask. She smiled when he leaned to her touch. Then asked, are you?

-Yes. He replied slowly.

-No you're not.

-Neither are you Bug. He grinned.

-Yes but what's bothering me seems so stupid right now. You?


There was a long and comfortable silence, Cat Noir removed her hand from his cheek and kissed the back of it, sending a shiver down Ladybug's spine. Somehow, Ladybug was grateful that her mask was hiding half of the bright red blush spreading quickly up her cheeks. Cat Noir looked down, still holding Ladybug's hand.

-I have to- he started saying. He then smiled sadly and said instead, I should go. See you on patrol night?

-Of course. Ladybug whispered.

Cat Noir nodded and went away.

Thanks for reading! Vote and comment if this chapter deserves it!

Incredible out!

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