Chapter 10

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Hello everyone! Here is chapter 10! After this one, there will only be chapter 11 left. Hope you like it!

"In Adrien's room"

Cat Noir detransformed and Adrien exclaimed as he fell on his bed,

-What am I going to do Plagg?! I can't keep lying to her!

-You have to. Replied Plagg, his mouth full of camembert.

-Why? Why? Why can't I tell her that I remember? What is seen cannot be unseen! You said it yourself! Replied Adrien irritated as he got up and started pacing around his room, his head in his hands.

-I told you why thousands times, kid.

-Why? Asked Adrien again stubbornly.

-You have to keep a low-profile for a while. What do you think people are going to say when you suddenly break-up with dragon girl to go with Pigtails? It will all seem unrealistic...fake. I talked to Sugarcube...Shadowmoth might feel that something is wrong...heck you live under his own roof! What if he plans something else? What if all these sudden changes make him find the truth about Ladybug and Cat Noir when he sees the chemistry between you and Pigtails? What if-

-Okay, made your point. Grumbled Adrien. I still don't get why Marinette isn't saying anything. She promised...

-Oh god! Help me! cried out Plagg.


-Kiddo, how many times do I have to tell you this? I'm a cat, not a parrot! She thinks you love Kagami and that you're the happiest blond guy on Earth!

Adrien sighed,

-What wouldn't I give to hold her close to me...

-I'm so sorry kid. Replied Plagg, his ears flattening.

-I know...just a few more days, right? I'm hurting her so much...he mumbled.

-You're hurting her to protect her.

Adrien laughed humourlessly at the irony. He was the one doing the protecting now. It was decided, he was going to tell Marinette at the gala. He didn't care whether it was too early or not. He was going to tell her...he had to.

"Midnight superhero gala"

-You got this! Said Alya as she shook her best friend several times.

-What tells you that? Whined Marinette

-Your masterpiece designs of course! And my gut too. She added.

Marinette laughed nervously still not completely reassured. Before she could say anything else, Nathalie grouped all the other participants, giving them instructions on how to proceed. Gabriel, who will be on Nathalie's screen tablet, will make the rounds and select the winner.

-Stand straight and confident next to your creations. If he asks anything, you reply calmly. He doesn't have time for stuttering and nervousness. Advised Nathalie.

The participants just nodded and made their way to the Eiffel Tower. A small white tent was set up. Since it was nearly ten, the Eiffel Tower was lighted. It was...beautiful. It had a nice contrast with the starry night. Marinette gasped in awe. Seeing it from below was just as fabulous as seeing it from Paris' rooftops. She loved it. She followed the others, the inspection was supposed to be quick so as to give the winner's models to dress up for the gala.

As she entered, she saw Adrien and Nathalie and of course, Gabriel on the screen. Adrien gave Marinette an encouraging smile. It reminded her so much of Cat Noir that she had to look down to hide her blush. "Breathing in...breathing out..."she said to herself several times.

Nathalie made the rounds, followed closely by Adrien. Gabriel didn't ask any questions or make any comments. He just nodded when he wanted Nathalie to move on to the next participant. Marinette started to feel nauseous again. Her hands were clammy and shaking. Finally, when it came to her turn, Gabriel took a minutious inspection. He was silent for a while and Marinette started hyperventilate, her heart was pounding against her chest. She wasn't scared of Gabriel, even though she knew he was Shadowmoth, but as a designer,she knew that he was good and somehow still wanted to impress him.

-Congratulations Miss Dupain-Cheng. Said Gabriel in a calm voice. You have outdone yourself for this one.

-Thank you, thank you sir. Chocked out Marinette.

Adrien took place next to her, his hand around her shoulders, smiling brightly.

-I have a condition. Continued Gabriel. I want you and my son to wear those designs tonight.

-What?! Squeaked Marinette. She was so bewildered that on holding on to the mannequin for support, it fell, causing a domino effect. All the mannequins of the participants fell in a loud thud.

-Sorry! Apologised Marinette, her cheeks red with shame.

Ignoring the incident, Gabriel waited for and answer while Adrien silently chuckled at Marinette's clumsiness.

-We'll do it. Replied Adrien after a while.

Thanks for reading! Vote and comment if this chapter deserves it! Stay tuned for chapter 11!

Incredible out!

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