Chapter 1: Left to be dead

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???: The Omnic Crisis, it was one of the most devastating war that any of humanity has ever faced for years. A robotic like machines with powerful weaponry and a massive army march though humanist line, killing all who stand against them and showing no mercy to no humans. The military were slowly defeated left and right and hope to win was thin. There was no way humanity can not survive as humanist extinction was right in front of our door steps. That is until a man along with his friend formed a small group to fight against the Omnics and save humanity and that group was called.....Overwatch.

???: Overwatch was skilled and very brave men and women that have the hearg and courage to fight against the omnics and protect the lives of the innocent or those that needed help in the fight

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???: Overwatch was skilled and very brave men and women that have the hearg and courage to fight against the omnics and protect the lives of the innocent or those that needed help in the fight. The one who formed the Overwatch was named Jack Francis Morrions and his close friend named Gabriel Reyes. Along with the other founding members of Overwatch, they fight and risk their whole lives to protect humanity from the omnics and in the end.....we won.....they have won....Overwatch have done it.

???: Soon the Government thanked the foundation members of Overwatch for their brave actions and allow them to form a organisation to protect the world from any other threats

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???: Soon the Government thanked the foundation members of Overwatch for their brave actions and allow them to form a organisation to protect the world from any other threats. Soon Overwatch became a organisation to train very skilled soldiers or agents to be heroes and fight for the sake of the world and the freedom to every human and omnic that lives in this planet.

 Soon Overwatch became a organisation to train very skilled soldiers or agents to be heroes and fight for the sake of the world and the freedom to every human and omnic that lives in this planet

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???: Overwatch was the shinning beacon of hope. It was a symbol to all the people that needed hope and soon their wish will come and Overwatch will come to help those that are needed. There were a lot of Overwatch HQ, research facilities and other bases across the world and it was a golden years of didn't last that long.

Overwatch X male reader: A fugitive solder but a hero in heartWhere stories live. Discover now