Chapter 2: A new job

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Echos and voices is the only thing he can hear while his vision was dark and he can barely see anything. When he dose managed to open his eyes he only sees doctors and nurses around him trying to keep him alive while the head doctor talks to a unknown figure in the background as the head doctor told him something that he can't understand but the unknown figure nodes to him and then left the room.

Once he was gone he falls unconscious and he doesn't know how long he was unconscious for but soon he only hears beeping next to him and slowly he open his eyes a bit and he was hit by the ceiling lights but slowly he open his eyes and his vision cleared up and he can slowly see things clearly now.

We see Y/n laying in a hostel bed with his armor being taking off as he groan while he sat up from the medical bed and slowly grab his head with his hand and look around. It looks like he is in the medical bey and it seems there is only him because he doesn't see anyone else laying in beds or any doctors or nurses around.

Y/n: Where the hell I'm I? I'm I back at HQ?

He looks around a bit before suddenly a door opens and someone step inside the room and see him awake as he turn to see him and then spoke that sounded familiar to him.

He looks around a bit before suddenly a door opens and someone step inside the room and see him awake as he turn to see him and then spoke that sounded familiar to him

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???: (smile) Your awake! Here I thought you never wake up. How are you feeling?

Y/n: I'm....fine but....where the I'm I and who are you? Are you from Talon?

???: (smile) Take a easy soldier I'm not from Talon.

Y/n: Well that's a relief. Look thanks for taking care of me but I really need to get back to base and report to the general about Aiden's treason.

???: I afraid I can't do that.

Y/n: Why?

???: You were in a coma for five months and during these five months, your squad leader framed you of being a traitor and now not only the whole world has turned against you but Aiden is viewed to be a hero who saved the world from destruction.

Y/n: (shocked) What?! You can not be serious?!

He then pulled out a old newspaper and hands it to Y/n which he takes and looks at the headline and it was true. He was angered by this as he lend his head back while he lend out a frustrating sigh while the unknown man tells Y/n.

???: But there is good news.

Y/n: And that is?

???: The world believes that you were killed when Aiden shot you several times and then you fell into the ocean.

Y/n: And that's good news how?

???: Well since your alive but the citizens of the world thinks your dead, you can now work with me and I'll help you get your name cleared and your squad leader thrown in jail.

Y/n: (smirk) Huh....Guess that is good news. Wait work for you? What do you mean?

???: I've research about you and I'm surprised about your skills and your combat. I would like you to work with me so we can help the world.

Overwatch X male reader: A fugitive solder but a hero in heartWhere stories live. Discover now