Chapter 10: The Gauntlet of Doomfist

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At the large city of Numbani, one of the most high tech cities in the world, we see a sniper team on top of the large clock tower while inside the clock tower we see Y/n and Shadow along with a few troopers were sent here to protect a very important item that Talon wanted to steal and that is the Doomfist Gauntlett and we see the Gauntlett through the laptop screen that Tech managed to hack through and give Shadow and Y/n security footage of the Gauntlett and the museum around them.

Shadow: Everything seems to be clear. Ash how is things at your end?

Ash: (radio) Everything seemed to check out alright over here.

Blaze: (radio) Same here.

Tracer: (radio) This is Tracer, me and Winston are standing by and waiting for any action.

Shadow: Understood. Stay safe you two, Shadow over and out.

Y/n walks over to Shadow and looks at the Gauntlett and then ask Shadow.

Y/n: Wo this Gauntlett belong to Doomfist?

Shadow: Yeah, it's one of the most dangerous weapons that anyone has ever seen. It nearly killed Genji, Tracer and Winston years back but we managed to imprison him but now we heard that he broke out.

Y/n: And now they are gonna steal it so they can give it to Doomfist as a "welcome back" gift.

Shadow: That's correct.

Y/n: So how strong is he without the Gauntlett?

Shadow: Pretty strong no matter what. He trained his whole life in the arts of combat. Fun fact; did you know that this Gauntlett was wielded by other Doomfist's.

Y/n: (surprised) Huh so who's the current Doomfist now?

Shadow type it onto the laptop and q image along with his files about the current Doomfist appeared.

Shadow: His real name is Akande Ogundimu, he's 45 and he's from Nigerian. He has a bloodline of his ancestor's one wield the Gauntlett before passing it on to a new person within their bloodline to become Doomfist.

Y/n: (surprised) Damn that's something.

Shadow: Yep. Still it's the reason why we should be protecting the Gauntlett from Talon. If Doomfist have it back then he'll be nearly unstoppable.

Y/n: Well let's make sure that will not happen.

Shadow nodes when suddenly they hear an explosion in the distances as they rushed over and open the panel of the clock and see smoke.

Shadow: Alright sniper team be ready for anything! If they come out Gauntlett in hand, I want you all to shoot at them and not allow them to get away is that clear!

Sniper team: Sir yes sir!

They were on theie guard as Shadow hands Y/n a sniper rifle and he takes it while Shadow heads to his laptop while Y/n aims down at his rifle amd stare at the smoke while Shadow opens security footage to see Reapee and Widomaker attacking the Museum.

Shadow: Tracer, Winston, the museum is under attack, engage now!

Winston: (radio) Roger that!

Soon the two came and battle them while Shadow and the others watched and waited to see how this battle will turn out. Soon the Gauntlett gets used by a teenage boy and he used it to punch Widomaker only for it to be damaged but with that Reaper and Widomaker fall back while Tracer and Winston go after them.

Y/n: Are we winning?

Shadow: Yeah seems like it. The Gauntlet is damaged however but it looks like they have lost.

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