Chapter 12: Laugh at the face of death

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Gunfire ring out at the hallways of the hospital as we see some dead bodies of innocent people and Omnics laying on the floor or injured as they are trying to find a place to hide from the gun battle.

Seconds later bullets fly out around the corner and then Y/n and Angela rush around the corner and making a run for it while Y/n turns back and fire his SMG at the incoming Talon soldiers that come around the corner as Y/n shot a few while the rest return fire.

Soon the two find some cover as Y/n fired his SMG at the Talon soldiers and taking them out while bullets fly by him as he gets down and then radios in his team.

Y/n: I need some back up here, got some Talon forces on our backs, need some help.

Benjamin: (radio) Talon forces has block the hospital sir, we can't get in.

Dillon: (radio) We'll try to get inside but at the mean time you three are on your own.

Sora: (radio) Be safe sir.

Y/n: Don't worry, we will. Yo Mask, situation to report?

Mask: (radio) Holding my own here. I'll try to get away as soon as possible and regroup with you.

Y/n: Roger that.

Angela: You shouldn't have come here. He wants me and I may deserve it.

Y/n: Yeah you say something about your the one that made him or something?

Angela: Well not technically made him but I made him to become a monster.

Y/n: How- (bullet fly by him) Shit!

He return fire, taking out a fre Talon soldiers when Reaper came around the corner and turn as Y/n open fire gum but the bullets gone through him which he pulled out under twin shotgun and open fire at him.

A shot hits Y/n by the shoulder which started to bleed out as he grab his shoulder and called out.

Y/n: Fuck!

Angela: Are you okay?!

Y/n: Yeah I'm good. Come on!

They make a run for it while Reaper growls in frustration and disappears in a puff of smoke while the two make their way to another hallway which the two enter one of the rooms and once inside they were breathing heavily while Y/n groan a bit of the pain of his shoulder which Angela walked over and check on him.

Angela: Here, allow me to heal you back up.

Y/n: Sure, thanks Angela.

He sat onto the bed while Angela gather as must tools she needed to heal him while the two were slient a bit until Y/n ask her.

Y/n: So can you explain what is this thing between you and Reaper? Why does Reapee wishes to kill you?

Angela: It's because of my reckless action which resulted the birth of Reaper and a death of a old friend.

Y/n: So Reaper was a human before he became this.....smoky death being?

Angela: He became something that symbolised true death to all those who come across him.

Y/n: Right. So, who was he before he became....Reaper?

Angela was slient at first as she goes over to Y/n ans start removing the bullets out of his shoulders and place them into a metal tray when Angela tells him.

Angela: He used to be our old friend back in the day. He was friends with everyone in Overwatch during and after the Omnic crisis. He lead a special black ops team and lead them into different missions.

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