Chapter 12

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My eyes stung with unshed tears as I tried to find a way to get my Lily back. Any way. It's the last day of the deal and I haven't been able to do anything. Nothing.

I haven't seen her face or even heard about her for a whole damned week. I don't know how she is if she has eaten if she is taken care of. Yes, my concern is absurd because it's Adrian, he will take care of her with all he has but I still am unable to keep my worry aside. If he would have just let me talk to her. Let me hold her. 

I tried everything I could. I went to lawyers; I went to cops and I even went to social workers. None of them are willing to help because of the fear of going against Adrian. 

The settlement that we offered was also denied by Adrian without even meeting me. Yesterday, I was cooped up in my home all day either crying that she is getting away from me or thinking of ways I could convince Adrian.

Fuck the deal I made with that... that horrible man, Grayson. I am not leaving Lily or letting him harm her. So that is the only reason why I'm here just a few feet away from Adrian's building.

The image of what happened the last time I was here still fresh in my mind. It wasn't easy to be here. The agony on my face might be proof enough. I shook my head clearing my mind as I went towards the gate. I took long strides as I walked into the gate crossing the security guard. 

The moment he saw me he said, "You are not allowed here. You need to leave miss." The guard said in a stern voice.

I looked at him and said, "I'm not leaving, and tell that to your boss too."

"If you went in there, I'm gonna lose my job."

"And if I didn't go in there, I'm gonna lose my sister. So, back off." I said matching his stern voice.

He hesitated for a second and said, "I'm sorry miss but I can't let you in."

"Then call him and ask." That was all I said. He looked at me for a second and I saw his softening as he slowly gave me a tight nod. He went to his cabin and dialed from the intercom to I'm assuming Adrian. Before Adrian get a chance to deny I rushed into the building and made my way to the elevator. Thankfully it was on the ground floor. I pounced into the elevator and clicked on the top floor. The guard saw me as he ran after me toward the elevator.

Come on, close. Fucking close. 

And before the guards could reach the elevator, it closed. I sighed in relief to at least have a chance to make him listen to me.

The moment I reached the 43rd floor I rushed toward his office knowing fully well that the guard must have alerted security till now. I couldn't be caught. Not when I'm this close. Not when I have a sister to save. I saw guards looking my way and coming toward me as soon as I was close to Adrian's cabin. Before they could grab me I opened the door of his office and went inside.

His shocked glance at me quickly turned to rage as he shouted, "Who let you in?"

The four guards were behind me and two of them grabbed my arms while the other two had their guns out. 

"Please just hear me out, Adrian." I cried while they were dragging me away like a criminal. And shame crept up on my body. This was humiliating but this was also my only chance. 

"Get. Her. Out." He shouted and I winced. I bit my bottom lip to contain a sob as I looked into his angry eyes.

"Please, for Lily." My voice was just as broken as I felt. His dangerous gaze shifted on me and fear crawled down my spine. 

"Leave." He said while looking at me and all the hopes I built were shattered under his shoe. But before I could do something, the grip on my arms was loosened and I realized he was talking to the guards.

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