C8 | Finally Together

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|~Giyuu's POV~|

After I passed out, I was stuck in an endless void. But I heard noise behind me and saw them.

I couldn't wake up. I really wanted to, but I couldn't.

All this time in being unable to wake up, I was talking to my Nee-san, Sabito, and Makomo.

I found out I can finally wake up, since my body can finally let me. I said bye to the ones I've known.

I opened my eyes. The room was bright, and when got into a seated position, I was shocked to see a lot of injured demon slayers. I had no idea how long it has been, but a lot of people were injured.

I sensed someone coming and when I looked to my right, I was Aoi walking in. When she saw me, she dropped her plate and rushes towards me.

"Oh my god your finally awake!! Omg I have to tell Master Shinobu!"

"...How long... have I been out...? What happened.... to all these people..? Is Shinobu okay? What happened...?"

"You've been out for many months. I'll let Master Shinobu answer the rest for you. Let me go get her!" with that, she ran out of the room to get Shinobu. At that moment, I saw Butterfly Kanae fly over to me. I let her land on one of my fingers. I smiled. It's been a while since I've done that.

A few moments later, I saw Shinobu open the door. She looked at me in awe, before running inside and hugging me.

"Thank god you're okay! I was so worried about you!"

"..I'm glad you're okay..., but what happened to them...?"

"We took down Muzan a few weeks ago.."

"...Wait what?"

She explained the timeline of events, and everything from Tanjirou becoming a demon and turning back, to Rengoku's death. It was so much to take in.

"Also, thank you.."

"Huh..? For what....?"

"For finding my sister for me.. I really appreciate it"

I smiled at her. It was the first time I've ever done so. She expression changed from happy to shocked.

"It's nothing problem... Shinobu"

With that, I pulled her close and kissed her. I didn't expect her to actually kiss me back, but to my surprise, she actually did. We pulled apart to get some air.

"I love you too Giyuu"

After that day, I went through physical therapy. I had to retire early due to what happened on my last mission with Shinobu.

And well, me and Shinobu finally got together, and unfortunately, I had to tell her about my addiction. She wasn't mad, but offered to help me get over it.

I also told her about Sabito and Makomo, and how I didn't deserve my position as a Hashira, but she told me otherwise.

I told her about my sister as well. We both understood each other due to both of us losing our sibling.

I even started to get along with Obanai and Sanemi. They saw that having Nezuko was a good idea, and patted me on the back for saving her.

Mitsuri joined us often on our days hanging out, same with Shinobu and Butterfly Kanae. Sometimes Gyomei would join in, same with Muichiro and Uzui, but Muichiro was hanging out with Tanjirou a lot and Uzui spent a lot of time with his wives, which is understandable.

Even Aoi and Inosuke started dating, which was kind of surprising since many didn't see it coming, but I was happy for them.

And after a few months, all the demons were extinct, so the rest of the demon slayer corps can retire and relax, without worrying about demons attacking us or other people.

Ever since I found Kanae's reincarnation, I've felt happier, and it helped me get with Shinobu and become friends with the other Pillars. Even if it ended up with me getting into a coma, I'm happy with the result.

"So I would like to say thank you Kanae"  I smiled at the Butterfly as I talked to it. It was resting on my finger. I was waiting for Shinobu, Mitsuri and Iguro to get here so we can go shopping.

"Thank you for everything, Kanae"

~The End~

Thank you everyone for reading this short story. I made this AU up one day and decided to write about it.

I hope everyone enjoyed the story.


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