A rose [Fluff]

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Before you continue reading, I want to let you guys know that this chapter will include a rarepair, so if you don't like that, I don't suggest reading it. Thank you!

Request from biiaqyoo

Expunged, a dark skinned and tall guy, with a red and pointy hat on. He wore a red and long sleeved outfit, one that also contained a turtle neck on it.
He was the the type who would simply reject anyone who asked him out, or the type to find nobody attractive. That was, of course, until he had met a special someone. That special someone was someone named Bendu, a very light yellow skinned Mexican guy with a Mexican hat on, and a yellow, long sleeved outfit that had attached on a turtle neck.

Something about his appearance and his way of speaking to him, made him feel a certain way; he felt butterflies in his stomach just looking at him, and his heart would beat faster at the thought of him.

He sat on the floor, locked inside his bedroom. He began to think to himself,
"Do I like him?
Why do I feel like this?
No-maybe he just suits me well, that's all.
Bandu, from downstairs, heard this sudden yelling and imediately knew, or so he thought, that Expunged was introuble. He stopped what he was doing (dancing while in a fursuit) and rushed upstairs to where Expungeds bedroom door was.

He knocked a couple of times with some force, but not too much, as he was concerned. Though he had knocked many times, still was there no good response from his brother. It was all just him yelling out, "GO AWAY!"
This frightened Bandu a bit, but he didn't give up. He kept knocking on the door until suddenly, the door began to slowly open with a squeak sound. Expunged was to be shown with a slightly red face from the frustration he felt at the moment.

"What could you POSSIBLY want?!" He yelled out in anger, especially since it was Bandu whom he was speaking to.
Bandu backed up a bit, but he spoke up with confidence, yet with still some concern. "Expunged! What's the matter? I heard yelling from downstairs..."

Expunged stayed silent. He didn't move nor said a word, he just stood as still as a rock, both hands beside him. His angered face was now a blushing one, and his eyes pointed towards the ground.
"Is this about Bendu?"
A huge bubble of silence surrounded the room, with this being said. Expunged turned his head back up to face Bandu, with his eyes widened in shock.

"I mean—it is pretty obvious Expunged. You really expect me not to notice? Every time Bendu invites us over, you're a blushing mess, all red!"
Expungeds eye looked to the side, to avoid eye contact once again. He didn't answer, he simply stayed quiet for a few seconds, but then finally spoke up. "Oh fuck you! I—don't know why I've been feeling this way. It's strange."

Bandu smirked hearing this, he already knew what this meant and gosh did he feel excited about this.
"Hehe, you have a crush on Bendu~!"
Expunged blushed red at the tease, and lightly kicked him so he'd shut up.
Somehow, Bandu had convinced Expunged to tell him all about how he felt towards Bendu, and what he plans on doing in the future like this.
Expunged had mentioned that he wanted to try asking him out, but he was afraid of rejection. Bandu had suggested using a pick up line, though the ones he recommended were awfully cheesy (Are you a parking ticket? Because you've got FINE written all over you) but Expunged didn't know that.

On that same day, both brothers were invited by Bendu to come over later. This gave Expunged the perfect opportunity to practice before going. In the meantime, Bandu helped his brother recite some of the cheesy pick up lines he had suggested, even if it wasn't too much help. "Are you sure this will even work?!" Said Expunged with a bit of doubt in succeeding.
Bandu nodded in response to this, "Heck yeah! You'll see how much he loves this."

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