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--Ashton's POV--
The 3 nurses who said they would check in on Hailey have been in there for a long while. I hope she's okay. Me Cal and Luke have been sitting in this waiting room all day and night. We haven't eaten anything. "Ugh I'm so hungry."

"Stop whining I'll go get something Luke come with me." Calum said.

"Why me?" Luke argued back.

"Because Hailey is Ashton's girlfriend. That's why."

"Uh correction. She's not my girlfriend." I chimed in. Holding up my finger.

"Yeah exactly and besides he's the hungry one. Have him go with you." Luke kept arguing.

"You're such a baby Luke just get up and go." Calum said back grabbing Luke's arm.

"Fine I'll go." Luke rolled his eyes, lazily getting up. I smiled and thanked him. He just sighed and mumbled something. Well somebody woke up on the wrong side of the waiting room.

"Ashton Irwin?" The nurse lady called out looking around the room. I'm not sure why she was looking, I was literally the only one there.

"Uh yeah that's me." I said getting up.

"Hi, I'm Lexi. I understand you're here for Hailey James, correct?"

"Yep. When can I see her?"

"You can see her soon she's kinda sleepy at the moment and we are bringing her some food so she doesn't starve." She gave me a reassuring smile. Wow she was really pretty and young. She actually looked to be Hailey's age.

"Oh okay. Well how is she do-"

"She fine don't worry about her. Worry about yourself instead." A different nurse with bright neon colored hair walked out saying. She looked as young as Lexi and Hailey to. What the hell? Did I miss something?

"Oh? Well please come and get me when I can visit her."

"Sure thing. And yes we are very young for our jobs." Lexi said. I looked confused as hell. "I could tell by the way you looked at me and Emily." As she pointed towards the one with green hair.

"Well then. Good job?" Still, confused as hell. They had American accents to.

"Thanks. If you were wondering we are both 17. Same as Hailey, we're also her best friends." As they said that they both took off all the nurse clothes they were wearing.

"Wait? So how do you actually know if Hailey is okay or not? You two aren't really nurses." Now questioning them. Emily looked scared kind of.

"Maybe because I've been doing this for 2 years. I'm used to it." Lexi said. She had attitude.

"Well maybe you should have an actual nurse check on her to make sure she really is okay." I said crossing my arms giving her attitude back.

"Oh trust me. If there was anything wrong with her i'd make sure the best doctor here checked on her." Emily took a step back as Lexi stepped closer.

"Well you should do that then. She kind of got shot 3 times." I stepped closer and we were now face to face.

"You should probably step back. I'm getting pissed off."

"You should not lie. I'm getting pissed off." I was pissed.

--Lexi's POV--
"You should not lie. I'm getting pissed off." Here I was, standing right in front of Ashton Irwin. One of my idols. About to smack the kid in the face.

"Listen here Irwin. I'm already training to be a doctor. I'm majoring in the medical field. I think I know a few things about whats going on with Hailey." I walked closer making him back up.

"Guys stop. Hailey wouldn't want you two fighting. Ashton we're sorry for lying but in all honesty there was an actual nurse in the room with us. She was checking up on her and right before we left the doctor walked in the room." Emily said, stepping up in between us, pushing me back and talking really fast. As I was still pissed never losing contact with Ashton's eyes. Which were growing darker by the minute because of how mad he was getting.

"It's fine. But you promise me that she's okay?" He said looking at Emily.

"Yes she's perfectly fine. We wouldn't be out here if she wasn't." I said, still annoyed at him. At that time Calum and Luke had come around the corner with food.

"Hey I didn't know what you wanted, so I just kind of bought a lot of food." Luke said giving Ashton the bag full of different food. I chuckled a bit.

"Who are these girls?" Calum asked.

"This is Emily, and well she's Lexi." Wow, subtle much?

"Hi, we're Hailey's best friends. That's Emily she good one, and I'm Lexi, the bitchy one."

"Yeah she's the scary one." Ashton said pointing towards me. Moving behind Calum.

"Well it's nice to meet you both. I'm Luke the normal one and that's Calum the, uh well I don't really know. Have you heard anything about Haiely?" Luke introduced himself and Calum to us.

"Yeah we were just in there actually. We'll go check on her again." Emily said grabbing her scrubs and putting them on. Luke looked confused.

"They are nurses. Not real ones though." Ashton assured them.

"Oh?" He still sounded confused. You poor boy.

"Well, we'll be back soon. I'll let you know if you can visit her or not. Bye."
I said quickly walking back to the hallway., pulling Emily with me.

"Hey! What the hell?!?! I wanted to talk to them." Emily whined.

"Oh shut up. You know how I got that feeling about Dylan when I first met him, and your ex?"

"Uh, yeah. You didn't like them why?"

"Exactly and I told you that Dylan was going to hurt her and Rick was going I hurt you."

"Right, I'm not following though." Emily said, obviously lost.

"Oh my gosh. I had that same feeling about Ashton. The same exact one I had when I met Dylan and Rick for the first time. I knew they weren't good people. Ashton can't date Hailey. He will end up hurting her."

"Lexi, it was just a feeling. You could be wrong this time. You never know."

"No Em, they can't date. I don't want anyone else hurting Hailey. I mean he let her get shot. Three fucking times Emily!! Three times!" Nobody was going to hurt my sister. Nobody.

"Whatever we don't have time to argue we need to check in on Hailey. Let's go." Emily said walking towards her room.

We walked in, and Hailey was sitting there with her ice cream, watching some show on the little TV. "Haibail how you doing?" That was my nickname for her.

"Oh hey! I'm doing fine actually I just feel really weird." Walking in and sitting at the edge of the bed.

"Oh? Is feeling weird good?" Emily asked.

"Yeah I guess. Just having holes in my stomach is weird. Oh, and do you know when I'll be released? I kinda want to be home. I have so much work I have to do."

"Hailey! Calm down. You don't have to do work. All your teachers know about what happened. They said they'll send the notes home with Azaria. No need to worry about any of the work."

Random ending ik it's stupid but....the book is going to be pretty boring for awhile. Her life will be going back to kinda normal I guess. I'll try to make them a little shorter chapters. Idk I have horrible writers block at them moment and books have to have the boring parts to make the non-boring parts better right? I think so BUT TYSFM for all reads and votes!!!! I love you all so much!!

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