Ch.6 Heartbreak

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Sorry guys I accidentally said the chapter before was 6 when it really was supposed to be 5 so this is chapter 6!!!! sorry and thanks for the reads<3

--3 days since Emily got out of jail--

-Emily's POV--

"Hey so wher- oh my gosh is that Dylan?!?!?!" Lexi said while pointing out the window.


"Over there at Rebecca's house and he's kissing her!! Omg that dirty little man-whore." She mumbled through her teeth.

"Why are you so pissed?? Him and Hailey broke up."

"No they didn't their anniversary is tomorrow Hailey was texting me about it and how she misses him and shit." Lexi said sitting back in her seat with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Oh my God!!! Jake pull over hurry!!!"
I was about to go and teach this kid a lesson.

"What are you doing Em?"

"About to bitch him out, you with me or what?"

"I'm in but let's get some pictures of them first so Hai* will believe us."

"Okay good idea, stop right here," I pointed to a spot and ran out of the car. "thanks Jake stay here we will be back soon." Lexi and I ran out if the car and down to her house with our phones out we got a couple pics and went to bitch at him.

"Dylan!!!! What the hell is wrong with you!! You have a fucking girlfriend."
Lexi screamed at him.

--Lexi's POV--

"Dylan!!!! What the hell is wrong wit you!! You have a fucking girlfriend." I screamed at him.

"What?? I didn't do anything it's not what it looks like I promise." He stated but I knew he was lying.

"Wait? Dyaln you have a girlfriend???? What the hell? You said you were single that you and Hailey broke up awhile ago." Rebecca said while pushing him off her.

"Oh my God, you're telling people that you and Hailey broke up? What the hell Dylan? Hailey loves you and this is how you treat her? First you don't show up to say goodbye then you fight with her and now you're cheating on her??!?!?!?" I was about to punch him.

"Yes but I thought she didn't love me anymore she never talks to me anymore." He says trying to defend himself.

"THAT'S BECAUSE SHE HAS CLASSES ALL DAY GOING FROM 6-4 AND SHE HAS A WHOLE BUNCH OF HOMEWORK TO DO AFTER SO SHE DOESN'T HAVE TIME TO CALL US AND TALK. You know what were done here I'm walking away now before I kick your ugly ass into the ground." I started walking away. Then turned around and said one last thing. "Oh and by the way, you don't have to lie to girls anymore you and Hailey are done, and we have proof." I grabbed Emily and we ran back to the car and drove off.

--Back in Australia- Hailey's POV--

"Uhgggggg I hate Sundays." I complained to Azaria and Jakie.

"Yea I know you do you but honestly I think Mondays are worse." Azaria said pointing at me while eating pizza.

"Haha true true so-" My phone started buzzing. "Um, hold on guys it's Lexi I'll be right back." I got up and walked into the kitchen.

"Hey Lex, what's going on?? I haven't talked to you in forever!!"

"Um Hai', I know we haven't talked in forever and this really isn't the first thing I wanted to tell you." Lexi sounded upset and scared.

"What? What's wrong? What do you need to tell me?"

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