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Hi!  Sorry for not updating forever, but I got injured, then I got writer's block.  It's PRIDE MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so I owe you guys.  I got barely any sleep trying to write this.  Love you!

TW: extreme homophobia, extreme transphobia, all in all, not the happiest chapter. (Yes, I do headcanon Tam as a trans guy. Don't like it? I don't care)

Tam's POV

"TAM! LINH! TIME TO COME HOME FOR DINNER, GIRLS!" Their mom called from inside.  Linh squeezed Tam's hand, providing what little comfort she could against the hated word.  Tam decided he was telling them today.

As they sat down for dinner, Tam spoke quietly. "There's something I want to talk to you about."  His parents stared at him in silence.  He closed his eyes. "I- I'm a guy.  I'm trans.  And I'd really appreciate it if you could use He/Him pronouns on me.  I'm also gay."

He waited for the shouting he knew would proceed, but there was only shocked silence. He felt Linh tugging on his arm, trying to get him to go.  

He saw his mom unconscious, she probably had fainted.  His dad was standing over her, his face red.  He slowly turned, facing Tam, and lunged at him. 

Linh yanked him out of the way, but his dad still managed to grab his shirt. He pinned him against the wall and threw punch after punch, screaming slurs.  Then, suddenly, he stopped.  

Tam opened his eyes and saw a bubble of water surrounding his dad's head.  He was clawing at it, trying to make it go away, but without success.  Tam watched as his face progressively turned red, then purple, then blue, and he lost consciousness.

Linh removed her bubble of water, and Tam took a deep breath.  He sent shadows into his parents' minds, shrouding their memories.  They would now believe he had always been a boy, and that they had kicked them out because of Linh.  He hadn't wanted to do that last part, but Linh had insisted.

Linh took him to the Leapmaster, and yelled "Wildwood!".  When they arrived, the adrenaline of everything that had happened hit him at once, and he broke down.

The memories of what happened after that were kind of foggy, but he could hear Linh begging the gnomes for help.  

And they accepted.  They gave them a home, despite the fact that they were twins, despite the fact that he was gay, and even ignoring the fact that trans people weren't really accepted in the Lost Cities.

That day, he swore to himself he would never love again.  And he hadn't had a problem with that.

Until he'd met Keefe.

Welp, that sucked.  Anyways, I'm probably gonna have to update a lot less often, because I have a lot going on right now, but I love you all.  And I swear I'm not forgetting about it.


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