Author's note (Please Read!)

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Hey y'all!

I know that literally no one is going to find this story, much less read it, but I'm still gonna waste lots of time and effort into this, like the dumbass I am.  Fun fact: I ate dandelion sap, liquid white-out, tape white-out, dandelions, and liquid glue! They are put in order of worst to least terrible taste.  Somehow, dandelion sap tastes WORSE than white-out!?  Also, glue actually doesn't taste that bad.  It's strange, but not bad. See? I'm a dumbass!

I'm going to try to update this every week, but if I'm late or miss a week, please don't be mad.  My life is crazy, and I might not be able to find time to write for a bit.  This is my first fanfic, so it's going to be really bad, but I promise I'm trying my best.  As I said before, it's mainly kam, but there's also marellinh, sophiana, and dex x mysterious person.  There will be kissing, but NO SEXUAL ACTS. Because that's gross. (Iz sex-repulsed ace). So, don't worry.  There is a 0% chance that any of that somehow finds its way into the book.

This is a very queer, LGBTQIA+ book, so if you're homophobic, transphobic, aphobic, exclusionist, racist, or anything that falls into this type of category; 

Please, do the world a favour, and go to hell and die.  OOOOOOR you can rethink your entire life, stop being a jackass and be proud of yourself for becoming a better person, who now understands that the world does not revolve around them and that the opinion they make in their twisted minds can actually hurt people.

Thank you.

Anygays, I hope that you enjoy the story!  None of the characters belong to me, (other than any humans involved, and the unknown person Dex is dating) they belong to Shannon Messenger (If they don't I will tell you, but unless I do assume they're not mine), the author of Keeper Of The Lost Cities.  If you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend you close your device immediately, go buy the books, and read the whole thing.  It's amazing.  One of the best book series I've ever read. And coming from me, that's a lot. Because I read WAY TOO MUCH.  To the point where all my teachers will automatically yell when they walk into class "[insert my name], put your book away and don't you DARE open it till class is over", because they know if they don't I'm just going to read through the whole class, completely oblivious to everything that's going on around me.  And my parents have to physically come and close the book I'm reading for me to hear them talking to me.  I recently learned that it's because I go into hyperfocus when I'm reading.  If you don't know what hyperfocus is, google it.  Along with ADHD. And the connection between ADHD and hyperfocus. The point is, my reading is a big problem.  I'm trying to work on it, but so far, no progress.

Umm... sorry for all the pointless rambling. I'll just get on with the story now, then!        Happy Reading!

- Your Bookworm Gay With ADHD

(Pls comment if possible, I would love to have any suggestions to improve the story, and vote if you like it!)

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