New School

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Yesterday my mom took me to say goodbye to all my friends. It didn't even feel real. Today is my first day of school. I don't know how it's going to go. As I grab my donut from the counter and walk out the door , I holler a muffled goodbye to my mom ad I shove the donut into my mouth. I step into my red convertible and follow the directions the GPS tells me to get to school. As I pull into the parking space, I realize I didn't put any makeup on. Great what good first impression I'm going to give. I unbuckled and reach behind the seat to my extra bag of makeup I keep in case of emergency. I slap on some makeup , grab my backpack and get put of the car. I start walking toward the school right as the tardy bell rings. I wince. Not a good first impression, late on my first day of school. I sprint to the door with schedule in hand and swing it open. I step inside and look at what class I'm suppose to be in right now. Biology. I hate biology. With a passion. And I'm starting the day with it. Great. I stalk down the hall looking for room 148. Ad I find it, I'm not certain what to do. Should I knock, or just try to walk in casually? I think I should knock. I knock on the door and a few moments later a short, fat bald man with inch thick glasses and a graying moustache opens the door; I suspect is my new biology teacher. " Why hello! Are you my new student I was told about? We don't get many new students here. It's rather a small school. Oh well pardon my manners. My name is Mr. Portagelle. " he says. I smile widely and introduce myself and he sits me down next to this busty, short girl on her phone listening to music. " Well now, we should get started then. " Mr. Portagelle says and makes his way across the room to the supplies. " Today is going to be a boring worksheet about dissection of a worm." He says as he passes out papers. I glance behind me to find a rather attractive boy staring at me. He blushes as we make eye contact and waves. I blush back and flash a smile. As I turn back around I can hear him giggle slightly. As I try to work on my worksheet assignment; that I've done over 2 months ago at my old school, all I can think about is that smile. What is going through my head? I don't even know his name! I glance over my shoulder now and again only to find him looking right back at me every time.

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