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WHEN THE second day of school came, Danielle was way less stressed. She obviously wouldn't find her marks so soon, but she was more relaxed. For today, she had let her long brown hair curled thanks to rollers, down, and wore a jumper with a jean and her new pair of shoes.

The second day began a routine : she would get reminded of the "rules, " nod respectfully, say goodbye to her mom. Even if she got the chance to cross her dad as well, which she appreciated. Then, she fled right on her bicycle.

Thankfully, the sun shined brightly today once it had risen in the sky. Only the white clouds hidden the full potential of its rays, but did she care ? No. Her clothes covered well-enough to not get cold.

Right after the morning class, she turned right two times and then one to reach her locker. Not acknowledging she was followed despite the noise of the dashing footsteps behind her. She closed the door of the metal box and jumped at the voice that called her name.

"Hey," waved Steve.

"Hey," she responded back. "I'm sorry, we have to jump to science so-..."

"Hey-hey ! We can walk together until there. How's things going since yesterday? It was pouring after seven. Hope you didn't get wet," he said.

She nodded negatively. Her heart pounding in her chest again due to disobeying. Were her parents ever going to know she went against their commands ? She wondered. Was it a sin? She mentally shook her head: It was too early for her to start rummaging and fighting her thoughts like that.

"I-... Yeah, sure. We can go there together," she scratched her cheeks with her index's nail. "No, I didn't. Right on time, I got back home at six."

Steve grinned. He wasn't worried or else. Just truly intrigued by this girl who seemed discreet enough to not attract attention to her. She possessed long brown hair that reached her lower back, rather pale, blue eyes, bushy eyebrows and was rather short. She would easily fit in a crowd without being noticed.

He wouldn't even have talked to her if she didn't show up at Scoops-Ahoy or, furthermore, gave him that tip. Basic sympathy to the customer, but that was pretty much it to Steve Harrington.

Likewise, he hasn't had that much company besides Robin, Dustin, and the kids. He especially avoided Nancy and kept his pupils to the ground when his gaze would encounter the sight of her and Jonathan together.

"That's good. Thank God I have a car to drive home."

The silent stood up between the two as they continued their path to the science class. Hands in his pockets, bag on his shoulder and way taller than Danielle could ever be, Steve dwelled on her lack of conversation.

She didn't want to talk. Even if that meant she wouldn't have any friends for the entire year, and this Harrington boy seemed to be glanced, a bit much for her reputation in the future.

"So... Do you have siblings?" he asked randomly. She nodded negatively. Steve bit his tongue. "I'm an only child, you ?" she confirmed.

"Neither. I'm the child of busy parents. They're... Working a lot. That's how I got the chance of being so comfortable in this town."

Soon after, the silhouette of their science teacher would show up. Danielle and Steve waved at each other and went to their seats. It lasted for an hour before the arrival of their lunchtime. Still pursued by the King of Hawkins High, Danielle gave little to no words to him during the whole route straight to their Holy Grail : food.

Steve Harrington was in lack of new faces, faces that wasn't related to the Demogorgon and the Mind Flayer, to be said. Therefore, this young girl, who enrolled herself in a conversation with him the prior day, made him genuinely contended to be interacted with.

Built for Error • STEVE HARRINGTON, OC, BILLY HARGROVEWhere stories live. Discover now