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NIGHT FELL on Hawkins when Danielle got home. Same as usual, her parents asked her how her day has been, and she achieved what was now her routine. The next day would be a slightly different from the two others.

Indeed, Steve and Robin had planned a meeting right after school, and the day passed way too rapidly for Danielle, whose stress rose considerably as hours fled.

In consequences, she executed an unfortunate attempt of running away, again. Which didn't end very well, considering the enthusiastic steps of the two teenagers running after her, at the end of the day.

This simple gesture caused the group of the popular girls to send death stares to both Robin and Danielle, mainly in case of them "stealing" the King of Hawkins High presence, Steve Harrington.

Those chicks always craved for attention, his attention more specially. On the other hand, that didn't bother Robin Buckley, who didn't give a damn about Steve's attention. She was already her friend, and that was it.

Plus, Steve wasn't exactly fitting in her... Taste.

"Listen, I don't see why I should go there. Whitney talked to me, yes, but that doesn't mean we're friends," insisted Danielle.

Robin moved her index finger from right to left. "Rule one : don't care about being invited or not. It's a party organized fugitively, do you really think obtaining some authorization counts?" asked Buckley.

"I-... I mean, yeah. Sure. But what if she spots me and kicks me out?"

Steve chuckled. "Trust me, she ain't doing that. I'll be there, and God knows Whitney Dawson would love us to-..."

"Don't bring God and this next to each other, please !"

Robin sighed. "Yeah Harrington, I don't wanna hear about your feats with women,"

Danielle sent her a grimace, Robin blew in a laugh whilst Steve arched his eyebrows. "So, girls, the plan."

The brunette and the blond stood next to the other, backs up straight against the backrest of the couch of Benny's Burger. "The plan," they both whispered.

Steve clapped in his hands, grabbed a couple of fries, and a sip of his Coca-Cola before pointing a finger at Danielle while he kept his can in his hand.

"I bring a ladder to your house around nine, we drive to Whitney's, you stay with us and don't chat with the popular chicks. Keep in mind they'll wanna ruin you and make sure you got a nickname between the walls of the school. We have fun, we dance, we chat, we keep it together, and then I drive you home. You climb the ladder. Nobody knows," explained Steve with hand gestures all along of his explanations, mimicking the plan on the table.

Danielle arched her left eyebrow, blinked a couple of times. "It seems so easy the way you say it," Steve nodded and gifted her with a blink combined of a smile. "Because it is."

Thinking about Steve's words, Danielle reflected on the possibilities of what could happen if a thing doesn't follow the plan. Was it as easy as Harrington made it appear ? She wondered. After all, she wasn't very well known for her "luck" in life. Steve waited for a reply and quickly grew impatient facing the facade of impassibility of Danielle Cadwell.


"I don't know what to say ! I have a loath against disobedience, and it's already too much, Steven."

Steve prayed internally, for the first time in a lifetime. "Don't make it harder as it is. All you gotta do is getting back home, assuring everybody's asleep, getting ready and wait. I'll throw rocks at your window to wake you up. We're making it easier here."

Built for Error • STEVE HARRINGTON, OC, BILLY HARGROVEWhere stories live. Discover now