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THE MUSIC was down since a while by now, Whitney was roughly cleaning her floor on which the blood of Steve Harrington, Jonathan Byers, Robin Buckley and Billy on the wooden planks. "My parents will kill me," muttered Whitney softly.

Danielle Cadwell entered the house with precaution, she didn't want to cross path with Billy Hargrove. This man scared her and caused a lurking uncanny sensation in her stomach. Like it turned upside down at the mere second, Hargrove started hitting Steve with all his physical strength.

Finding Robin next to a blond boy of average height, who she assumed to be Jonathan, Danielle in-between the teens and young adults gossiping about what just had happened. This, and also the fact Billy Hargrove implied she was in a relationship with Steve.

Which wasn't true, they only knew each other for four days.

"Here she comes, the angel sent by God," joked Robin, regretting instantly the moment she felt the pain running through her belly area.

Danielle sighed. This woman. Decidedly. "Did he hurt you guys?" Both people responded by a positive nod, Robin's bare foot was covered by an iced Coca-Cola can whilst Jonathan's been gifted of an ice pack. She was reassured it didn't go that far, but enough for others to stop Billy in his spree of violence.

"I got lucky Byers jumped in, we were both on his back. He gave up when Whitney's lil' puppy went downstairs. Couldn't bear fighting three people at once."

Jonathan stayed put, only replying by a thumbs up to what Robin just explained. Danielle rummaged throughout her small shoulder bag and found her disinfectant with a couple tissues.

Spraying the paper sheet with some, she headed two of them to each of the wounded, thanking her gesture silently. "This shit really went downhill, huh?"

Well, Robin was more rhetorical in her statement. More than she was questioning the brunette, at least. Danielle shrugged, the adrenaline in her body didn't lower for a bit. If she was honest with herself : it didn't even flinch.

"Nancy drove Steve home, but I don't know how we will."

"I can," stated Jonathan. "I gotta pick my brother, Will, and then I give you two a ride straight home."

Then she remembered something, something very important. Something that actually could get her killed.

"No, no. We can't, actually. Well, I can't."

Septic, Robin blinked three times, crossing her arms on her chest. "Why that, Cadwell?"

Danielle inhaled and exhaled loudly at her realization. "Steve had the ladder in the back of his car."



Three hours had passed. Jonathan assumed his friends or one of the moms had done what he hasn't. Which was bringing Will Byers back home, safe and sound.

Even if she was upset, Whitney did try helping them find a ladder in her garage. Which there were none, incidentally. Then, Danielle recited all the prayers she had ever memorized in eighteen years of her young existence.

Stupid, she's been stupid.

Of course, a lie wouldn't have worked. God always had a lesson to teach, and there was one for her.

"We'll find a solution," reassured Robin in a vain attempt of comforting her friend. It was a bit her fault, she did drag her into this.

"My dad will rip me off, Buckley."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2022 ⏰

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