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THE WHEELS GROWLED under the pressure that the concrete exercised against. But the music wounding their eardrums could've done way more damages than the sound of the wheels when Steve turned three times left and one time on the right to pick up his friend, Robin Buckley.

The ride has been fulfilled of laughters and sarcasms until they reached the house in which the party was happening. Bawling music and a group of teenagers guided them silently to the said place, whilst Steve, Robin, and Danny jumped out of the car.

"Can you guys remind me of the plan, just to be sure?" asked Robin for the third time.

The two young adults sighed. "Yeah, we stick together, we have fun, and then we go in three or four hours."

Robin nodded positively, glad they both understood the assignment. The party walked toward the house and already had spotted maybe one or two couples making out, and it disgusted Robin, who almost threw up. Danny, she basically looked away. Steve, he was envious.

The house was gigantic, and the staircase stood in the hallway as smells of cigarette, alcohol, and weed invaded the nostrils of Danielle who gave a stare of despair to her friends. Friends, a term she hadn't used in ages. Suddenly, the brunette wondered if she had done well to come by. After all, she could still ask Steve to drive her home, but that wouldn't be extremely polite from her.

She was wearing a high-waisted pair of mom jeans, white sneakers with a dark chocolate thin turtleneck shirt and a bomber jacket that kept her warm. Her hair was down and, like she told the blond, the makeup kept clear and slight.

The group walked to the buffet, where Steve served two drinks of punch to himself and Robin.

"Wanna drink?" he asked Danielle, another cup in his hand. She declined politely and gave a frank smile to Steve before turning around to Robin. The brunette remarked how Buckley willingly had avoided the stares of numerous people during their walk. "You're not comfortable?" she said, close to her ear.

"No, no, don't worry ! It's just I don't like Tommy H. and his girlfriend, plus we're with Steve, they were his friends two years ago. Since, they kind of make fun of him every time they see him or us together," explained the blond.

Danielle kept it shut. She didn't imagine Steve, who seemed to be the next-door popular guy, getting sort of "bullied" by his classmates. Was there a reason for that ? She figured Steve would have a girlfriend that'd go along well with his future plans, alongside what he planned to become in a couple of years. Maybe even planning an engagement and saving money for a house.

The classic yet pretty image of a couple.

"Steve's single?"

"Yeah he is. Nancy Wheeler dumped him at the Halloween party of last year. Since, it's a hecatomb for him, why you asking?"

"Oh. I... Yeah, it's just he seems so chill and laid back that I just didn't think a girl could break his heart."

Robin gave her a shrug. "What girl?" jumped Steve in. Danielle felt panic invading her being as Harrington smirked at both ladies, one drinking and the other swallowing her saliva again.

For a second, she wished to choke on it.

"We were talking about last year and Tommy H. being a dick," called back Robin as Steve appeared lost for a second. At least, before recalling what had happened with the couple of douchebags whose action destroyed the lives and reputation of numerous students in the heart of Hawkins High.

Harrington agreed with the duo and joined into the observation of the party dancing, crowded like bugs altogether. Even after four months, the boy's eyes caught Nancy's presence next to Jonathan's Byers.

Built for Error • STEVE HARRINGTON, OC, BILLY HARGROVEWhere stories live. Discover now