Jimim ♡︎ As your boyfriend

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Double update because I owe you🤍

( ˘ ³˘)♥︎

☽ You making it your daily routine to take his hand and kiss all over his small fingers that you adore so much while Jimin watches you with pure love in his eyes.

☽ Jimin always returns after he went abroad with so many gifts in his hands, spoiling you although you complain to him that he buys you way too much.

☽ "But I buy those for you because I think you would like this, how can you reject me?" Jimin pouts cutely making you feel guilty and eventually accept his gifts.

☽ You slap his thick ass all day, all night.

☽ "Why is it so damn big?!" You always say after you can't resist to slap the Jibooty

☽ Jimin takes it as a mission to always put a smile on your face. If you're having a bad day he wants to be the one to make you smile and feel better.

☽ Your favorite activity is to buy clothes for each other.

☽ "You're only doing this so you can watch me get undressed and be naked" he blames you but you only smile innocently in return. You could never.

☽ You love waking him up on your days off by kissing his dainty small nose, making him scrunch his nose in his sleep in the most adorable way. Then, you love moving to his plush lips, your favorite things in him, and kiss him softly, sometimes a lot of times until he wakes up.

☽ You love caressing and admiring his tattooed ribs.

☽ You spend late night awake with him because his sleep hours always get mixed up. You sometimes watch him talk with the fans on Weverse and sometimes cuddle and talk.

☽ Jimin enjoys when you come and watch him practice. When you are there he pushes his limits to the maximum. He wants you to be the one that tells him that he's good, that you're proud of him. Your words always matters to him.

☽ "Hey don't push yourself cause I'm here, I see you doing it but you don't need to prove me you're good, I already know you're the best one out there Minnie." You say and give him a big hug and a kiss.

☽ Literally not speaking with him when he said  he wants to fix his front tooth. You're too attached to his crooked tooth to let it go and Jimin finds it cute.

☽ Singing to you over the phone whenever he's away, watching you as you fall asleep to his voice.

☽ Jimin being the charmer he is, manages to slip into your parents heart and now you're sure they love him more than they love you.

☽ "Baby you know that it's not true." Jimin says with a smile to your pouty face as you again complain about the situation, knowing that it's 100% true but he'll never tell you this.

☽ Cuddles and soft kisses all night long because in the end he's your cute little Jiminie, even thought he's not cute at all while on stage.

☽ Jimin making sure he says 'I love you' in every chance he gets so you'll never forget how much he loves you, even if his love to you is way much more that those three words.


Question: How you day went? :)

My Answer: it's Saturday today so I rested all day and basically did nothing but nothing is my favorite thing to do lol

𝔹𝕋𝕊  𝕀𝕄𝔸𝔾𝕀ℕ𝔼𝕊 & ℙℝ𝔼𝔽𝔼ℝ𝔼ℕℂ𝔼𝕊♥︎Where stories live. Discover now