Whiny ♡︎ Min Yoongi

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A.N : welcome to my very first imagine! I hope you'll be able to enjoy this imagine and that it could make you smile.

And why do I feel that Yoongi is literally like this I don't knoweeee . Anyway, enjoy <3



" Love, can you make me another cup of tea pleaseeeeee?" I heard Yoongi yelling from our shared bedroom.

Ok calm yourself down y/n. Remember to breath in... and then breath out.... great.

That's how it went through the whole day. And I repeat. The whole day.

Yoongi woke up in the morning this Saturday feeling sick, and me, being the so good and supportive girlfriend I am,  told him that whatever he will need and want, just ask me so I could help him and to ease his pain as much as I can.  I  just didn't think he would be this whiny and annoying.

"Y/n I'm hungry can you make me breakfast?".

"Baby the tea is too cold".

"My back hurts, can you give me back massage?".

"Baby I'm hungry!".

"No, the the tea is too hot now".

"Can you go buy me some medicine?".

"I'm hungry again!".

I huffed and got up to make him the fourth cup of tea today after making him breakfast, lunch, dinner, two hot chocolates, gave him back massage and did so much more. And he still keeps whining.

Don't get me wrong, I love Yoongi and I'll do everything for him and all of that, but he's just really annoying when he's sick.

"Thank you baby!" I heard him saying. "Again".

I made him the tea, just the way he likes, but I accidentally put too much hot water and forgot to cool it down a bit with some cold water.

I walked over to our room, the hot tea cup in my hands, and there Yoongi was, lying on his stomach, head pressed deeply inside the pillows.

"Yoongi? I'm here baby. I brought you your tea." I whispered, trying not to scare him.

His head rose up slowly from the pillows, hair slightly messy. Yoongi  turned around and got up until his back was pressed against the head of the bed. He sent his hands forward and opened and closed them, motioning me to give his the tea, just like a little kid does.

I giggled. "Here you go" I said and handed him the tea.

"Just be careful ok? The cup is really hot" I said.

Yoongi grabbed the tea slowly from my hands. It took him a couple of seconds to realize that the cup was actually hot for him to hold, "Ahh! Hot. Hot. Hot!" He started rambling and saying loud.

When I realized that it was too hot for him, I tried to take it away from him as quickly as I could, but... it was too late because he already  dropped it on the floor.

*boom* a sound of crashing make it to my ears.

My mind was still trying to process everything that just happened right now. I looked down and all I could see was too many broken pieces of glass that were now on our bedroom floor, and they were everywhere, all around.

Oh great, great, great ... just great. What else can this day bring to me? I thought.

My hands both formed themselves into fists, and it took everything in my ability to not flip over at Yoongi, who was just sick after all. Annoying sick, but still sick.

Yoongi sighed and shook his head. "Wait here, I'm going to bring a vacuum cleaner or something to clean it up.." he said and started to get up.

"No Yoongi stop." I said and put my hands on his shoulder blades and pressed him down back to bed. "You're sick. Stay here and don't move, I don't want you to get hurt. I'll clean it up" I said and he just nodded. I tip toed my way out of the bedroom to find something to clean the mess up.

It took me about twenty minutes to clean everything and to make sure that there were no broken glass pieces that were still left on our room.

After I threw everything to the trash can I went back to the bedroom so I could change up to my pajamas and just sleep. This day got me absolutely exhausted.

I sat down on the bed after changing, and fixed my pillows in a way that'll be comfortable, when I suddenly felt a hand rubbing softly my shoulder. I turned my head towards Yoongi, who was looking at me and admiring my face.

I smiled. "Is there anything on my face?" I asked while Yoongi tucked a piece of my hair that fell out of my bun behind my ear.

"Just beauty." He said with a cheeky smiled. He opened his arms and motioned with his hands. "Come here baby" he whispered and scooted close to where my body was.

I didn't waste any second and came close to him and let him to grab my body lightly until our chests were pressed against each other. Yoongi wrapped his hands around me.

After spending some time just enjoying each other presence, Yoongi suddenly spoke.
"I'm sorry love." He whispered in my ear.

I looked up until I was met with his gorgeous pair of deep chocolatey dark brown eyes. "What for?" I asked.

He sighed. "Don't act like you didn't think all this day about how much annoying I was and how badly you wanted me to shut up." He said and smiled a little.

I bit my bottom lip and looked down. "No, why would you think that way? I really didn't think that Yoongi." I said and looked back up.

All Yoongi could do was to raise an eyebrow at me, like he knew I was lying. He gave me that "are you sure?" Kind of look.

I sighed. "Well... you were pretty much whiny and annoying today like a little baby." I said, "But.. you're sick, so as your girlfriend, it's my job to make you feel ok, even if you're acting all like this."

His hand that was resting on my waist slid all the way up from my waist to my cheek. "Thank you. Really, for taking care of me. I didn't mean to be this annoying it's just... how it is when I'm sick." He started to rub his thumb across my cheek bone.

I nodded my head, meaning that he doesn't need to worry about it and it's just fine.

"I love you." he whispered.

"I love you." I said it back to him.

He then moved his hand to my chin, and pulled my face toward his, until his lips could touch mine, and no matter what he did this day and how much he put me through, kissing him could make me forget everything. And that's why I love him.



𝔹𝕋𝕊  𝕀𝕄𝔸𝔾𝕀ℕ𝔼𝕊 & ℙℝ𝔼𝔽𝔼ℝ𝔼ℕℂ𝔼𝕊♥︎Where stories live. Discover now