iv. doenst just glow

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     CHILDE GLANCED OVER at (Y/n) a few times, before deciding to speak up, "Well, I've gotta say. Didn't know you had that in you back there, that was pretty... impressive." he compliments.

  "I know!" (Y/n) laughs, before switching into a "cooler" facade. "I know. Sooo, She-Ra. Where are you from?"

  She-Ra shakes his head, "Whoa, whoa, sorry Blondie, I don't do back story." he smiles at (Y/n). "However I am becoming very interested in yours. Now I... I know I'm not suppose to mention the hair."

  "Nope." (Y/n) smiles.

  "Or, the Mother."

  "Uh, uh." (Y/n) shakes her head.

  "Frankly I'm too scared to ask about the frog." childe comments, glancing at paimon

  paimon narrows his eyes at Childe , "Chameleon."

  "Nuance." Childe waves (Y/n) off playfully. He laughs. "Here's my question, though, if you want to see the lanterns so badly, why haven't you gone before?"

  "Uhh, hey, well..." (Y/n) starts, before hearing heavy stomping from far behind them. Childe grabs (Y/n)'s hand running out of the tunnel with her.

  scaramouche and dottore appear below the cliff theyre on. "Uh, Childe ..." (Y/n) spots the two thugs. "Childe ! Who's that?" She points at scaramouche and dottore .

  "They don't like me." Childe breathes out, pushing (Y/n) behind him as the royal guard appears behind them.

  "Who's that?!"

  "They don't like me either."

  And razor appears, "Who's that?!"

  Childe groans, glancing back at the girl, "Let's just assume for the moment, that everyone here doesn't like me."

  (Y/n) nods, pushing her frying pan onto Childe chest. "Here." She throws her hair up, wrapping it on a wooden pole and swings onto the next cliff over.

  Captain of the Guard, Kaeya, smirks as they move forward slowly, "I've waited a long time for this."

  Childe begins to sword fight with a frying pan, knocking every one of the guards out once they try to fight him, "Oh mama, I have got to get me one of these." Childe uses the pan to fight Razor with a dagger in his mouth. "HAH!" They begin fighting. "You should know, that this is the strangest thing I've ever done!—" Razor knocks the pan out of Childe 's hand, pointing his dagger at the ginger who puts her hands up. "How 'bout two out of three?"

  "Childe !" (Y/n) wraps her hair around Childe 's hand, saving him. "Childe , look out!"

  "HAH! You should see your faces 'cause you look—" Childe barely dodges scaramouche and dottore's hits, but slams into wall. "Ridiculous..." he recovers quickly, scurrying onto the cliff across from (Y/n), still holding her hair.

  "Come on, Blondie. Jump." Childe encourages. (Y/n) nods at the girl, jumping down from the cliff right as Razor was about to catch her. She glides against the water as Scaramouche and Dottore run towards her.

  The two met each other at the end of the water passage, just as the dam was bursting and sending gallons upon gallons of water shooting down the caverns from where the horse took down a beam. It was more than enough to drown everyone there.

  The companions sped up once more, running with both half of (Y/n)'s hair in their hands as the water engulfed the King's guard. The Stabbingtons followed suit seconds later, but Childe and (Y/n) were enough by just enough to see somewhere to go through. The water had caused a large stone that stood above them to start collapsing, and they ran even faster to reach the passage. But when they did, the stone landed on the ground, blocking them in, the only space small enough to get the dam water to enter the space, filling up fast.

  They both screwed their eyes shut, knowing all their tricks and flying on hair to escape had gone to nothing.

  Childe refused to believe this was it for him at first, diving into the already four foot deep water to try and see if there was any way they could get out this time, but his eyesight was of no use because it was so dark.

  Childe resurfaces, panting to regain the breath he had been holding. "I can't see, it's too dark. There's no way out."

  (Y/n) shakes her head, the silent tears in her eyes sprinting down her cheeks, also not accepting her ill-mannered fate. Wordlessly, she also dives in to try and see if Childe had missed anything, but she quickly takes her out. When he pulled (Y/n) up to stare at her face, Childe moves the wet hair from (Y/n)'s eyes, his hands gently holding (Y/n)'s cheeks. "It's no use, it's pitch black."

  Still silent, (Y/n) cries harder, the only sounds coming from her mouth were her pained and guilty screams of tears. "I should've just stayed where I was, this is all my fault. I'm so sorry, Childe."

  There was a few more moments of silence, the water still pouring in and rising to (Y/n)'s abdomen now, and only getting higher, before another word was said. "Ajax." Childe whispered, and (Y/n) raises her brows in confusion.

  "Since we're in the mood to share our secrets this evening, and we're about to die, my real name is Ajax." Childe , or ajax, admitted, feeling sheepish as he reveals his deepest secret, but it somehow felt okay in the presence of someone he's dying with.

  (Y/n) nervously laughs, clutching onto her hair. "I have magic hair that glows when I sing!"

  "What?" Childe confusedly asks, but the revalation just hits (Y/n), and she grins, tilting her chin upward so she could talk without water getting in her mouth. "I have magic hair that glows when I sing! Flower gleam and glow—"

۰ ˚⁀ ♡̷̷ˎˊ˗

     EMERGING FROM THE surface down a stream that (Y/n) and Ajax found themselves being dragged by when they found an escape to the cave, both were relieved to be alive. Albeit, Ajax wasn't necessarily ecstatic that he let go his biggest secret he'd managed to keep for more than a decade and ended up not even dying, but he got the impression he was making a better picture of himself for (Y/n) to deal with for the next few days.

  The blue daytime sky has fallen into an orange and yellow hue, and Ajax was now aware they needed to find somewhere to camp for the night.
But there was one thing he needed to try and deal with first "Oh my God, her hair glows. Why does her hair glow?!" Adora screams, trying any sense of what he had learned about real life and that fantasy and magic was literally that, dissipated into jumbles of nonsense. He stares at Paimon, who (Y/n) found was taken by the stream and picked him up, and the chameleon shrugs, walking to (Y/n)'s open hand.

Author note ;
Last chapter for the day !! <3

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