Chapter 11

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The very next day Sonic met up with Julie and Rika, after breakfast and Tom left to the police station at the same moment. Sonic greeted the two girls, "Hey Rika. Jewel." Rika replied, "Hey dude. What is up? Glad you decided to join us."

Sonics POV

I replied to Rika, "Ehh someone's gonna come with you girls." Julie and Rika giggled before Rika said, "Well the first place to start is the towns clinic. They also have a super cool morgue there." I swear these girls look at everything spooky. I asked them with my hands on my hips, "Geez you two have seen a bunch of spooky stuff. Have you two been into Halloween town?" Rika shook her head and said, "Nope." Julie then said, "Tell that to the spooky mansion we saw. But that's another story." I ain't going to understand these two. But Rika is my best friend so I haft to try to understand. I asked as we walked to the morgue, "So who's the tortured victim girls?" Julie replied with a British tone, "This so called victim was a poacher." Rika said also with a British accent, "What we heard he flew back with a force." Both girls laughed. I said flatly with a dull look on my face, "Your hilarious." Rika then said as she turn to me with her normal voice, "But seriously it is a poacher." While all that walking I keep notching people are just staring at me and Rika. Not in a bad way but a 'aww how cute are they?' Kinda way. I swear no matter what we tell them there is no way they will drop this whole teasing me and Rika being a couple thing. I then took a look at her outfit. She was wearing a light green 80's style shirt with the words 'Number 1 rules' on it, her skirt matches her shirt, she also had an under shirt that was like a light blue, dark blue leggings, and short emerald green go go boots. She also had a ponytail on her side. I sighed and said, "Ya know your outfit looks edgy but slightly cool." Rika replied with a confident, "What this old thing? I made it myself. Jewel and I sewed this skirt and leggings together. It was tricky. Ya know those shoes of yours? They are actually cool." I replied to her as I looked into her eyes, "Thanks pal." That's when one of the towns people said in a fangirl kinda way, "OMG! They are complimenting each other." I said to the person who said that, "We do not think of each other that way. Plus we are just saying how cool our looks are." Once we arrive at the morgue I see Tom over there talking to the coroner. I said to him, "Hey." To, turn to me and the girls as he said, "Oh Sonic. Girls." Julie then replied, "Hey Mr. Wakoski. We heard what happened and we need to see if this poacher was mauled or something." Tom raised a brow and said as he turned his head slightly to the right, "I don't know if I should." I reasoned with him as I said, "Don't worry Donut lord I'll make sure they don't touch anything. I promise." Tom thought for moment before he sighs and said, "Alright but do me a favor buddy and keep an eye on Dora The spooky lesbian explorer and her sister there also make sure they stay out of trouble." I told him I will and the girls followed me to the morgue. But not before I asked where the morgue was. Luckily the coroner agreed to lead us to it.

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