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Log 45,

It's been two months‐months, and weeks of writing all of these presumed love letters. Well, it's not really. I guess this is more of an outlet? Yeah.

Feelings are always hard to express, may there's a reason as to why some people have different ways if showing it. Some could be shown terribly, some are just hidden and there are those who are so open.

I wanna be open like that, to declare and feel confident.

And it's just so mind-blowing that I could write this much. I've already spent 45 sheets of words for my infatuation for someone so lovely. I only have 5 sheets left. Maybe by the end of this, I can confess....

Or maybe not, I'm not sure.

I can't help but feel a little bit bitter sometimes he goes with other people. But then again, I'm just his loyal subordinate. His loyal knight, his loyal knight who wants more than just a simple relationship.

I really, really do love him.

But I can't be too selfish. After all, the man I love is selfless, I'm sure he likes people who are as selfless as they can be.

I guess sometimes, I just am not it.

Sigh, maybe I can confess. Before everyone gets him or, I just have to let out these feelings and let go.

Who knows?


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