"Come back alive" - Hangman

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You (Angel) had been training for this mission for weeks. Pete Mitchell, call sign "Maverick", had been training you along with the rest of your team. One member on your team just so happened to be your boyfriend. Lt. Jake Seresin, call sign "Hangman". Your boyfriend of 5 years. When Maverick picked who went on the mission and had him stay, he was pissed.

"This shit ain't fair, babe. He flew with Rooster's old man so of course he's gonna choose him. This shit just ain't fair. Rooster takes his sweet time doin' shit but we gotta race the damn clock," your boyfriend said once you got to your room.
"I know it ain't baby..but hey, you also need to work on not pissing people off," you said in response. "Mav probably didn't want you goin' up there and saying shit."
"Hey- when was the last time I pissed someone off or said shit, huh?"
"When you brought up Goose's death. You messed with Mav and Rooster. You cant just do that shit, baby!"
You boyfriend just sat there for a moment before leaving the room. Leaving you alone for the night. Leaving you with questions.
"Why would Mav choose me.."

You woke up bright and early the next morning. Jake hadn't returned while you were asleep which was worrying you.

"Has anyone seen Jake?" you ask when the group is together.
"I ain't seen him. He couldn't have gotten far though. I mean, we are on a ship.." Phoenix says.
Rooster walks up behind you and wraps his arm around you. "He's probably fine, Y/N, just pissed off."
You sigh. You probably did piss him off with your statement. "I'm gonna go look for him. Someone come get me before we go, ok? Thanks!" With that, you quickly depart from the group, searching the whole ship.

Within 30 minutes of searching, you had finally found him. He was in the showers, passed out with a flask in his hand. You try to pick him up and carry him back to your room. But, you fail when he wakes up and pulls you into his lap.
"Baby.." you put your hand on his cheek, "are you ok? I was worried about you..I've been looking for you for 30 minutes."
He mumbles something.
"You got to speak up for me, love. I can't hear you when you mumble.."
He mumbles again.
"Jake, if you're not gonna tell me then I'll just leave. I could care le-"
"I said come back alive.." he says, looking at you with tears forming in his eyes.
"Oh baby..." you look at him, "I'm always gonna come back, whether you want me to or not." You kiss his nose, causing him to smile slightly. He sits there for a moment before moving you off of him. "Baby..are you sure-" you cut yourself off once you realise what he's doing.
He gets down one one knee in front of you, taking your hand in his, holding the ring box in the other. "Y/N...these have been the best 5 years of my life. I want it to last longer than 5 years though. Y/N, you light up my day like a ray of sunshine. You're my sunshine, my little Angel. You make me happy..happier than I have ever been. I'll be in the shittiest moods and you'll know how to make it better. So Y/N Y/L/N..." he opens the box "will you do the honor in becoming Mr./Mrs./Mx. Seresin?"
You sit there for a minute, just looking at him. "Is that even a question? Of course I will!!" You wrap your arms around him and pull him into a kiss, hearing the group behind you. You pull away and turn around, looking at them while your boyfriend (now Fiancé) slips the ring onto your finger. "Phoenix, did you know about this?"
"Oh maybe I did, maybe I didn't. I guess we'll never know," she replies, grinning.
"Ok everyone, once we get back we're gettin' wasted! It's all on Mav," Rooster says, causing the guys to hoop and holler.
"Correction, nothing is going to be on me because none of you idiots are going." Maverick says from the back.
"Oh come on, Mav. Let us have a little fun." Payback says.
"Oh will y'all not fight with the old timer?" You say, giggling when Maverick rolls his eyes. Your attention goes back to Jake when he plays with your hair.
"Come back alive...please.."
"I will, handsome..I will" you say before you kiss him.
"Ok lovebirds, get a room." Maverick says.

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