I found a fifth one

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I found a fifth one

The 4 pouges had all been having a great time Pope would come over everyday to hangout and they all went to school together Jj was now stay at the château almost every night and John b and Cameron couldn't be happier

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The 4 pouges had all been having a great time Pope would come over everyday to hangout and they all went to school together Jj was now stay at the château almost every night and John b and Cameron couldn't be happier.

Today everyone had gotten out of school early and John b hadn't come home at the same time as Jj, Cameron, and Pope and Cameron was starting to worry.

"Cammy don't worry he'll be fine I'm sure he's just hanging out with a friend or something" Pope said trying to calm her down.

"Yeah Cj he'll probably be home anytime now" Jj said holding her hand.

"What friends Pope all his friends are sitting right here he's a loser no one else is friends with him" Cameron said flailing her arm around.

Then up comes John b with a curly haired girl right next to him. Cameron knew he was progressive but not that progressive.

"Who the hell is this chick and why didn't you come home sooner you had me scared half to death you asshat. Cameron said slapping his arms over and over again.

"Woah calm down Cam this is Kiara she's a new friend" John b said as Kiara held her hand out for Cameron to shake.

"You Cj you thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?" Jj said walking up and putting his arm around Cameron.

"Yeah that by the looks of her shoes and clothes that she a total kook" Cameron said eyeing the girl up and down.

"No she's different she's nice and not all stuck up and bitchy like all the rest of them" John b said defending Kiara.

"As long as she doesn't take you guys away from me and we all will be friends than I'm fine with that" Cameron said looking over at Pope who looked like a love struck puppy.

"Oh nobody could take me away from you cupcake" Jj said hugging Cameron from behind. Cameron started to blush and had to look down at her shoes.

"Okay so Kiara this is Cameron my twin sister and Jj her something but my best friend and Pope my best friend as well" John b said pointing all of them out.

"Okay well I think that Cameron and I should have girl talk because I need to know some stuff so you guys stay out here and let her and I talk" Kiara said grabbing ahold of Cameron and pulling her out of Jj's arms.

"So what did you need to know?" Cameron said.

"Okay so you and Jj are what?"

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