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For the pouges after that phone call other than jj they still thought that she had been missing and John b found out that ward had "killed" his father

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For the pouges after that phone call other than jj they still thought that she had been missing and John b found out that ward had "killed" his father. They had gone through a lot and now John b and Sarah Cameron (a recently added addition to the pouge family) had gotten lost at sea and had been presumed dead. But for Cameron these past few days had been her reliving the last 16 years of her while being tortured. She had been taught how to not show emotion by the people here but right now she was completely out of it so there was need to try to hide her emotions because there were none to hide.

When Cameron was five just two years after her and John b's mother had left them in the dust to go do god knows who and god knows what. Cameron had found out how to get out of the house which no five year old should know how to do but big John had never noticed because he was to entranced by his own work to even pay attention to his children. Cameron had wondered out of the château and down the rocky dirt road. She had made her way to a road she didn't recognize but obviously she didn't recognize it she was five. But as she was walking a loud banging noise stopped her. She was stopped in front of a dirty white house with a screen that was all torn up around the porch. Sitting in the grass in front of the house has been a little blonde boy who was crying holding onto a stuffed animal. A woman with a suitcase walked down to where he was sat and started talking to him and hugged him. As she got up and walked to her car a mean grumpy looking man walked out yelling at her making the little boy cry harder. Even though Cameron was very young she understood what was happening because it had happened to her family two years prior, that little boys mama was leaving just like hers did.

The woman got in her car extremely fast while the man had been coming full speed towards her. She started to drive off and the little boy started to run after the car yelling "come back mama!". The grouchy man yelled "get your ass back here boy!" "No I want mama!" "John James Maybank I swear to god if you don't get your ass back... you know what just stay out here!" And then the man disappeared back into the house. The little boy came back towards the house just then noticing a little Cameron standing by herself on the other side of the road. "Who are you?" Just then Cameron turned back and ran the way she had just come from all the way back to the château. And little did she know at that time she had just met the boy she was gonna end up falling in love with.

Back to now, Cameron was still strapped to the chair in and out of consciousness someone had walked into the room. The man was holding a knife in his hand and had torn the shirt Cameron was wearing at the abdomen and started to slice the skin on her stomach making her fully conscious and aware of her surroundings. She knew that these training days were so she could learn how to get out of these types of situations if need be. So she tried to figure out how she'd get out of her restraints. She could feel the burning sensation of each cut as the knife went progressively deeper with every movement. The blood was seeping down and onto her favorite pants that she knew and told herself not to wear. But just as she was about to try and get out she felt faint and could feel the dizziness take over her as she started seeing spots then eventually everything turned black.

Missing Person~ Jj Maybank Where stories live. Discover now