How long has it been?

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How long has it been?

I don't know how long it's been since I left Kildare

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I don't know how long it's been since I left Kildare. I've been too preoccupied with my training to even focus on the date, I knew the days of the week of course because on Monday's, Wednesday's, and Friday's I train. On Tuesday's, Thursday's, and Saturday's I worked and on Sunday i got to just be a teenager and blast my music and do pretty much whatever I wanted as long as i stayed in the house. It was a lot and I never really had a day off even with my Sunday's being how they were which is another reason as to why I didn't keep track of how long it had been, I didn't get the chance to.

Today was Wednesday which was training day so I had woken up gotten ready had breakfast and then went straight to the room. I still find that a cryptic name but after finding out what it was I completely understood why it was called the room. It was simply one big building of rooms with different things to train the special tactics they used for their jobs. I had never in my entire life experienced more pain then when I was in those rooms.

The first few weeks of being here I was taken into a room labeled bath. I assumed that they had thought I looked dirty and needed a bath but oh was I wrong. It was a room with a metal bathtub in the middle but it wasn't just a regular bath it was filled with ice. I remember looking around the room scared shitless. For weeks they had taken me to that room and day after day they would make me take my clothes off till I was in just a bra and underwear and they would hold me under the water for long periods of time each time they did it, it slowly took longer for them to release the hold they had on my head. I didn't understand why till they had taken me to a different room finally and it was like a sauna in there and they would make me learn to fight against a trained assassin. Yes I knew how to fight but not against an assassin... hello it was an assassin that shit is scary. At one point I had been taken to a room that had guns in it. All I remember thinking was god jj would love this room so much.

Days had turned into weeks and then weeks had turned into months of training in a never ending cycle of torture. Each room was labeled different things and there was exactly 10 rooms 4 of which I had never stepped foot in. The names were the exact definition of what was to come in each room. They went in order of bath,  battle, armory, suffocation, knives, arson, torture, enclosure, flinch, self destruction. I know what each one of them has inside from what they have told me.

We've already established bath and battle. Armory is where they taught me how to use different guns properly. Suffocation was were they filled up the room with water and I had to figure out how to escape it. Knives was were they taught me how to throw knives and how to dodge them because when I wasn't paying attention they'd throw them at me I have a few scars from failed attempts. Arson god how I hated that one they would turn the heat up so unbearably hot they would turn the heat up to 300 degrees and leave me in there for what felt like hours but in reality was just 10 minutes. I haven't been in these last 4 yet but I've been told that torture was where they strapped you up in a certain position and drop a droplet of water on your forehead once every hour on the hour and after that they cut your arms and stomach until you're able to get out of the tied up position you're in. Enclosure has been said to have walls that close in on you and you have to figure a way out of the room before the loud buzzer buzzes no one knows what happens when you don't make it in time. My understanding of flinch is they hit you in the face over and over and over again until you stop flinching, they say it's a sign of weakness. Self destruction is the worst one of all that's why they save it for last the put you in a padded room that has to corners and they leave you in there till you're absolutely self destructing and trying to teach yourself how to stay calm and breath.

Today was my day to go into torture and I was not looking forward to it. It just means that I'm gonna have to spend time just sitting there thinking about everything all at once. I get to the room and the first person I see is Ryan, honestly at first I hated the guy but he's seemed to grow on me. He actually hates me because I don't really take anyones shit so he always has to deal with my attitude.

"What's up bitch" I said walking up behind him jumping on his back. He turned his face to look towards me.

"You know mate I really hate when I have to deal with another one of Singh's men having a broken nose wanting to beat the shit out of you." I laughed because of how ridiculous this sounds in an Australian accent. Then again everything sounds ridiculous with his accent.

"He tried man handling me what was I supposed to do let him grab me like I'm the only six pack left on game night?"

"I-I really don't understand you Americans."

"That's ok I don't understand us either so it doesn't really matter."

"Um okay?"

"How long has it been? Y'know since I um"

"Nine months kid." Nine months... it's been almost a year and I haven't contacted any of them none of them I haven't even seen my dad since the first day they took us.

"Oh... do you know if I'm able to-"

"No, you're not allowed to you know this, Singh wants them to think you and your father are dead."

"I don't even know if my father is alive still I haven't seen him since I got here for all I know he really is dead. I just want to call just to hear their voices again please Ryan. I won't tell anyone." I begged him which is something I never do like ever.

I could see the look in his eyes I got to him right there. "No you can't." He winked his eye at me whilst slipping me his phone while I slid down his back.

"I have to piss so I'm gonna go before that torture chamber begins." I say giving him a great full look.

I never would have realized how terribly this would go. I wouldn't have done it if I had known.

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