Hello... who is this?

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Hello... who is this?

Back in the obx in the past few days the pouges had found a sunken boat and explored the now dead owner's motel room, been chased and hunted down by square groupers, and found found the Royal merchant

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Back in the obx in the past few days the pouges had found a sunken boat and explored the now dead owner's motel room, been chased and hunted down by square groupers, and found found the Royal merchant. jj was passed out on Cameron's bed after a long few days of the pouges wild treasure hunt. Whilst the rest of the pouges were in the living room all sitting around talking about everything that's happened in the last nine months. When all of a sudden jj's phone that had been left on the kitchen table starts ringing showing as an unknown caller Id.

"jj someone's calling you get your ass out here." John b yelled picking up the phone an answering the phone.

John b started making his way to Cameron's room to give jj his phone when on the other end of the phone he started hearing heavy breathing.

"I swear to god jj wake your ass up someone's on the phone." John b shook jj awake handing him the phone.

"Hello... who is this?" He said in a sleepy voice.

A man's voice started yelling in the background and then grunting and then the caller said one singular word and that was it.

"Who was it?" John b questioned while looking around his sister's room.

"Not exactly sure. But I'm gonna call back and see what happens." The phone starts ringing and a man picked up the phone. "Hello? I just got a call from this number and I want to know who it was."

"Someone you used to know but no longer be." The strange man with an Australian accent that reminded jj of watching Steve Irwin.

"That was cryptic as fuck dude." Then the phone disconnected.

"What was that all about?"

"Someone I used to know but no longer be? What the hell does that even mean man." Pope and Kie walked in as jj had begun talking and Pope started popping out with some smart comment that was actually true just no one but John b thought it could be true. Although Pope only said it to be a smart ass he was correct.

"Could be about Cammy, she's someone you used to know but no longer be. As in she no longer is here in Kildare." He said shrugging after Kie slapped his arm for putting thoughts that couldn't possibly be true into John b and jj's heads.

"You're right Pope it could have been or it could have been about my dad but I don't think they would have called jj if it was about my dad."

"That's ridicu- that-that's a thought y'know totally plausible." Pope said after Kie gave him a look. She does that a lot.

"I-I gotta go... y'know gotta go help out guffy." jj said already knowing that guffy fired him less than a week ago but he hadn't told the pouges yet.

He left the château without another word and just started walking. He didn't know where he was going till he made it to where it all began. The tree house, the one where Cameron and him had their first kiss together. Where he had asked Cameron to be his girlfriend officially. Where they had said I love you for the first time. Where they had lost their virginity's together. The last place he saw her. He's never not once been here with anyone else not even the other pouges, yes they have been here but he had never invited them to come back here with him. Because it was theirs his and Cameron's no one else's and that's how he'd like to keep it.

He looked down at his phone and he called the number that had previously called him. His ring clad finger hovered over the top of the call button as he tried working up the courage to call. Finally after 5 minutes of sitting contemplating calling he hit the button and held his phone to his ear. His nerves were spiking as he heard the ringing of the phone. Finally they answered but it wasn't like the last time he called this time no man with an accent answered. It was her... his girl. She was finally reaching out.

"Cameron? I know it's you please just say something I'm not mad about you leaving but I'm also not about to lose you again so please just say something anything."

"... I... I love you John James Maybank." There it was her light sweet precious voice had turned heavy raspy and distant. It wasn't the girl he lost that day and he could just tell that from the sound of her voice.

"Cameron Jayne Routledge I love you with all my heart but I swear to god I'm gonna kill you the next time I see you. Wait- when is the next time I see you gonna be?"

"jj that's the thing you aren't gonna see me again. Maybe in the far future but not anytime soon it's not safe. Nothing we do is safe anymore jj please just promise me that you won't get involved in anything dangerous."

"Cj I-I can't promise you that."

"Yes you can jj, you need to because if you get caught up in this whole thing I don't know how much longer I can protect you guys. There's already people trying to find John b just because he's my dads son."

"They are after all of us they already trashed the château and shot at us."

"Who is they?"

"The square groupers, they were burly and scary."

"J that doesn't help me know who they are but that's ok I'll figure it out. Wait- why are they after all of you what did you guys get yourselves into?"

"We kinda sorta maybe found a sunken boat and found the owners motel room and then I took a gun then we went and found more information on The Royal Merchant and then we found it but it didn't have any gold in it. And John b kissed Kie." He rambled on extremely fast trying to avoid her getting mad at him.

"Wait Kie is back?"

"Yes but that's not the big picture. We found The Royal Merchant."

"You guys found it... dad would be so proud of you guys."

"Yeah I'm sure he would but Cj, big John was pronounced dead 6 months ago." The other end of the phone was completely silent.

"No he- he can't be he but he was no." You could hear in her voice how she was almost in tears.

"Hey cupcake don't cry please. I know it's really hard but I need you to tell me where you are."

"No-no I can't I-I gotta go I'm sorry."

"Wait cj-" the call was then disconnected. "I love you..." he whispered.

So much was happening so fast with the pouges and with Cameron they just never realized how much deeper this would go. More things lost, new things found, reuniting with loved ones, and losing them again.

Missing Person~ Jj Maybank Where stories live. Discover now