And four became a very sad three

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And four became a very sad three

After Cameron had left Jj had slept for a few more hours and then got all his stuff ready to go but instead of going to the Château like he said he was he went home and ended up having to stay because of the storm that was supposed to hit that day

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After Cameron had left Jj had slept for a few more hours and then got all his stuff ready to go but instead of going to the Château like he said he was he went home and ended up having to stay because of the storm that was supposed to hit that day. So the next day he got up bright and early so he could go back to the château and tell John b and Pope about how he finally grew a pair and told her he loved her and so he could see her. He ran all the way to the château and went straight to the dock where he saw John b and Pope sitting on it. When he got to them they looked more bummed than anything.

"Dude I told her I finally told her that I love her" He said trying to catch his breath from running all the way over from his house.

"Dude J-" John b said with a sad expression.

"No I know it's your sister and you don't like that your best friend and sister are together but it's true I'm in love with her" Jj explained feeling a little hurt that John b didn't seem supportive.

John b had started crying and then had to walk away cause he didn't want them thinking he was weak so Pope told Jj "She's missing dude". And the moment those words came out of his mouth Jj felt his whole world crumble to the ground. He couldn't believe that she just went missing he saw her the morning before.

"No one's seen her since before Big John left yesterday morning after getting into an argument with John b" Pope continued.

"No no she can't- she can't be- nah- your fuckin' with me she was with me all the night before yesterday and I talked to her yesterday morning- wait she said she was going to old man Jenkins to work on his car that must be where she is." He said denying it. He abruptly walked away from Pope and past John b and walked all the way to old man Jenkins house to see if she was there like she said.

Jj got to the old man's house and knocked on the door.

"Hey Mr. Jenkins is Cameron here?"

"No why would she be here?" The old man responded.

"She told me she was going to be working on your car"

"No the old thing quit runnin' years ago no reason in tryna fix it up now"

"Oh okay well thank you for your help sir"

"No problem son keep out of trouble and tell me if you find her"

"Will do"

Jj couldn't figure out why she would lie about where she was going? And if she wasn't here where would she be? What if she was actually missing? What if she was hurt? What if? What if? What if? So many goddamn what ifs. All Jj cared about was her and wanted to know what the hell happened. What was he gonna do without her she was his everything. His shoulder to cry on. Someone who wouldn't make fun of him for crying. The only person who knew about what his dad did and wouldn't treat him differently because of it. His best friend. His cupcake. His first girlfriend. His first love. He thought why the hell does the world hate me so much to give me a shitty dad a no show of a mom and then take away the light in my life. His sunshine. The cruel world chose him to suffer and now took away the best thing he had how was he supposed to function without her?

The promise.

The promise he made with her about living his life after she was gone. Keggers, lots and lots of weed, and moving on.

Why the hell did she make me promise her that it's like she knew she was gonna go missing- or maybe she was running away- no she wouldn't leave me on purpose she promised she'd never leave on purpose he thought.

How the hell was he supposed to move on now.

One hour prior

John b and Pope had been hanging out at the château since Pope came over 'cause John b was a big upset about getting into a fight with Big John yesterday and he couldn't find Cameron and there had been a storm. There had been a knock on the door so John b opened it to find sheriff Peterkin with a sad expression.

"John b there was a storm last night as you know and your dad was said to have been out there on his boat and nobody's seen him since" Peterkin told John b.

"Okay what are you trying to say?"

"You're dad is lost out there. I'm so sorry John if Cameron is around I would like to speak with her as well"

"No I haven't seen Cameron since day before yesterday"

"Well there was a storm you know if she stayed at a friends house?"

"No the only friend would have been Jj but she doesn't go to his house she goes to the tree house but she would have come back by now. Pope have you seen Cammy?"

"No I haven't seen her since before the storm"pope said sounding a bit worried that none of them had seen her. He walked back towards the kitchen so that John b and Peterkin could talk in private.

"So none of you have seen her did she go with your dad?"

"No she doesn't like going out there with my dad when he goes on those fishin' trips she says it takes too long to catch those weird slim balls"

"Okay well I'll print up some missing posters and we'll see if we can find her okay" Peterkin said giving John b a hug.

"Okay thank you I'll tell you if she comes back" John b said letting Peterkin walk out.

John b walked over to Pope and gave him a hug with tears running down his face. Pope said "dude what happen to her?"

"She's missing nobody knows where she is... I'm sorry" John b said while holding onto Pope even tighter as he heard Pope start to quietly cry.

"We'll find her man"

"Yeah Peterkin is putting up posters for her and she said my dad was 'lost at sea'"

"Big John? Lost at sea? What does she mean he knows those waters like the back of his hand"

"I don't know that's just what she told me"

Pope and John b hugged for a solid 10 minutes before they both went to look at the water in the marsh.

That day was one of the hardest days ever for the pouges. They had gone from two to three to four to five back to four and then a sad and final three had been left. One heartbroken because he lost his other half his twin sister and his father. One heartbroken because he lost his best friend the girl that had become like a protector of him, his soulmate. And a third and final one that was just broken and set on keeping his promise to the girl he loved.

Missing Person~ Jj Maybank Where stories live. Discover now