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"Mila get up we gotta go!"
"Noooo," I groaned grabbing my pillow and throwing it at the noise. I heard a satisfying thunk and melted back into my covers.

"You just broke your TV," the voice who I now knew was Tyler (TyTy) spoke.

I shot up out of bed. My purple sheets bounced off me and revealed my bra. (I hate pajamas they're too hot).

"Dammit M cover your chest I can see your boobs." He slapped his hands on his eyes and scoffed. "Get dressed and meet me downstairs. I'm a new senior I have to be punctual."

He left my room and walked noisily downstairs. Our new house was like a mansion. Since my dad is the owner of Google we have to move a lot but it also means we're super duper rich.

I have my own flat screen TV (that isn't really broken, Ty was messing with me) and a walk in closet. I also have a super comfy queen sized bed that made you want to sleep forever.

My favorite thing about my room is my balcony. Yes you read right I have a balcony. My balcony faces the beach and has a sick view of the sunset. It also has a close up of our pool so when my senior brother brings his hot new friends I'll be able to stalk them from a distance.

I do this because my relationship life is practically non-existent because my brother is like a love hound. If any boy even thinks about me Tyler beats them to a pulp.

I mean yes it's sweet that he's trying to protect me but seriously I need boy action or else when I'm like fifty two Im not gonna know what a kiss feels like. And that's just some messed up shit.

I trudged lazily to my princess sized closet and picked the clothes I chose last night. I always chose my clothes the night before so I don't get stressed in the morning.

Today I wore a pair of lulu lemons that complimented my big butt and a loose baby blue tank top that hung low enough to show some cleavage. TyTy would freak, but today I felt like a rebel.

After a few minutes of fixing up my curly blond hair and applying a bit of mascara I grabbed my black high tops and thundered down the steps.

"TyTy I am ready," I said as my feet stuck to our wooden floor. Tyler's head was stuck in the fridge like always. When he pulled his head into view he had an apple stuck in his mouth. When he saw my outfit his eyes widened in shock and he spit the apple onto the floor.

"What the hell are you wearing?" Tyler's face started to get red. "clothes," I replied calmly. "I'll meet you in the car TyTy!" I yelled as I grabbed my stylish backpack of the kitchen counter and skipped outside.

As soon as I walked outside my skin grew goosebumps. The cold air hit me like a bucket of ice water. (Ice bucket challenge part 2). I rubbed my arms to try to rub heat into my skin. While I was rubbing my arms roughly Tyler snuck up behind me and handed me his white SDSU hoodie. I grabbed the hoodie and pulled it over my head.

"Warm?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowing in concern. "Yep. Thanks," I replied. He ran over to the drivers seat of his black escalade and hopped in. "lets go," he said smiling up at me. I walked over to my side and got in the passenger seat. Before I could buckle my seat belt Ty speed out of his parking spot and down the road.

I stared out the window, trying to commit the main roads to memory while Tyler squirmed uncomfortably in his seat. "so.......you excited?" He asked raising a perfect shaped eyebrow.

Tyler and me look a lot alike. We both have golden blonde hair and emerald green eyes. Despite what he says mine are prettier. I stared at him emotionlessly "Nope," I replied, then I quickly turned back to the window.

After five minutes of me staring at the window pretending to look at the scenery and Ty trying to start a conversation we finally got to the school parking lot.

Right when the car stopped Tyler jumped out and started impatiently tapping his foot. I stepped out of the car, pulled his hoodie over my head and threw it to him. "Here. Leave," I said as I grabbed my black vans backpack and pulled it over my shoulder. "Ok I'll see you later sis!" He said as he practically sprinted to the school entrance. Was he seriously that desperate for friends?

As soon as Tyler stepped onto the school stairs every girl that was lounging or talking with their friends stared at him. He smiled and winked at a few but continued on his way to the schools doors.

I followed his lead. As I walked towards the stairs I smoothly swayed my hips. All the boys on the stairs noticed and started watching me. They gave me appreciate whistles and hoots and I laughed at the attention.

I got up to the twin glass doors of my new school and stepped in. People were everywhere. Running through the wide halls, reading in the corner. Some people where making out on the dark blue school lockers.

I grabbed the schedule that the school had sent me in the mail on Sunday and found my locker number. A couple was squished right on top of my locker, there lips were practically glued to each other. I tapped the guys shoulder. "Go away I'll get to you in a sec," ooh so this boy was a player.

I cleared my throat. "Excuse me dipshit but your on my locker." I said frowning. The guy stopped kissing the girl and turned around slowly. He looked me up and down, his eyes lingered on my chest. "Nice tits," he said smiling.

Is he serous? You don't say that to a girl.
I looked at him making sure my expression was one of complete disgust. "Leave," I said calmly. He ignored me and turned back around to kiss the girl. I pulled him back and he stumbled a bit. "Leave," I repeated more forcefully. He walked over to me and whispered in my ear, his warm breath tickled my neck.

"Do you really want me to?" He asked.
My heart skipped at his proximity. "Yes," I said my voice shaking a bit. "No you don't," he said pulling back. His perfect face was in a smirk. He had black hair that looked like raven feathers and icy blue eyes. His jawline was so sharp and defined it could be used to cut cheese.

I could see his rock hard abs beneath his tight black shirt. "Yes I do," I said, this time my voice didn't tremble. "Fine if you say so. But I'll come back to you. Spark," he said smiling. "My name is Mila." I said scowling . "I like spark better. Oh by the way I'm Axel," he said grinning.

"More like Asshole," I muttered. "Aww you already have a nickname for me, I'm touched. Ok gotta go Spark see ya at lunch." he grabbed the girl that was against my lockers wrist and dragged her to the girls bathroom to do god knows what.

I groaned and started doing my locker combination when I felt a familiar presence behind me. "Why were you talking to him," Tyler said into my ear. I could hear the anger in his voice. "He was making out with that girl on my locker and I wanted to get him to leave," I said slowly turning around.

His anger filled eyes softened and he touched my shoulder gently. "Be careful around him, he's the school player." I looked up at him and tilted my head. "I just had a full conversation with him, I already know his the school player," I replied. "Ok be careful. See you at lunch!" He said walking away.

Before he was halfway down the hallway a group of girls encircled him and started to caress his face and hair. I laughed at his caged expression and walked in the opposite direction to my first class.
End of chp 1
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