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"Well that was fun considering...." I trailed off not wanting to bring up Asshole's idiot action again. "Considering Axel ruined our adventureous trip to build a bear." Julian broke in with a frown in Axel's direction. We all sat in a circle on the carpeted living room floor surrounding each other. "Well dad won't be home for a long while what do you guys want to do?" Ty asked the group.

"We can play dare or dare? It's a game I heard of in movie. We each put some money in the middle and then each of us get to tell the one other person a dare. You either do the dare or you can pass the dare to the person who dared you. If they do the dare your head gets shaved. If they don't do it they get their head shaved. If you except the dare but don't go through with it you get your head shaved as well." River said with excitement.

Everyone nodded as did I. This game could be fun. Hopefully I get a easy dare. "Sure but no sex stuff for me," I said narrowing my eyes at all of them.

Isaac, Julian, and Asshole all groaned at my answer. "Why......?!" Asshole said as he looked up to the heavens in a pleading manner. I scowled at them and put my money, which was fifty dollars in the middle. Each one of them put their money in after me. Then we started the game.

"River you first." Tyler said excitedly. "Okay I dare Axel to rob the mini mart down the street." River says deviously. "What do you want me to steal?" Asshole asked as he stood up from the floor and brushed off his leather jacket. "Condoms." River responded smiling evilly.

"So you want me to go shopping for you and your girlfriend River? Fine I can dig it." Without another word he walked out the front door. All of rushed to follow him into Rivers Volvo. The store was a short way and we got there in less than five minutes.

Without speaking Asshole got out of the car and strutted calmly into the mini mart. I didn't know what he was doing but I could tell he was causing chaos. I could also tell he was walking in the security cameras blindspots. He grabbed a small box off one of the back counter and ran out timing his escape perfectly.

The man at the register tried to chase after him but Asshole pushed a jar of marbles off one of the front counters halting the clerk. He ran out to our Volvo and hopped into the car smoothly. "Yah man!" Isaac said giving him a boyish high five. "Oh River here is your box of condoms. No glove no love." River blushed in embarrassment causing Asshole to smirk in triumph.

I just shook my head and changed the subject. "Ok now it's Assholes turn right?" I asked. "Yep those are the rules," River said from the front seat. "Ok..." Asshole said looking at all of us while Ty drives.
Please don't pick me.... I prayed silently.
"Mila dare or dare?" Asshole asked with a smirk.

"Dare," I said sadly. "I dare you to make out with me for five minutes...with tongue." He said looking at Isaac with..wait is that? Yes..it is...with jealousy. "Knew it," I said unhappily. "No that's not going to happen!" Ty yelled at Asshole. "She has to Tyler it's part of the game. If she doesn't she gets her head shaved and she might be gorgeous but the no-hair style won't work well for her." River said with a sympathetic look in my direction.

"Axel why do you want to make out with my sister?!" Ty asked dumbfounded. "Because she's hot... and I want her... plus she can't say no so it's a once in a lifetime opportunity." Asshole replied in a 'duh' tone.

"Ugh!" Tyler grunted in frustration. "C'mon bro it's a game, let you sister make out with Axel," Julian said from the seat next to me. "Fine but I'm not gonna watch," Ty said in disgust. "Ok just drive." River said.
Seemed like they came to a conclusion I had to make out with Asshole or I would get my head shaved.

"Ok let's get this over with," I said scooting closer to Asshole. He gave me a bright smile that made me stop to admire him for a second before slowly bringing my lips to his. His lips were soft and tasted like coke. After an instant he responded and leaned into my kiss. Our tongues danced and twirled around each other and our hearts thumped as one. Time zoomed by and I forgot there were boys watching us kiss.

It felt like we were the only people on the planet. His arms wrapped around my waist and tried to pull me closer. The position I sat in was uncomfortable so I straddled his waist and tugged him closer to me. I ran my hands through the silky strands of his dark hair and he moaned softly.

I felt his hands on me but I focused mostly on his lips. "Time..." Isaac said breathlessly. That seemed to pull me out of my trance and I pushed Axel off my lips. My eyes went wide when I noticed the position I was in. My hair was a bit messy and my pink shirt was halfway down. I was also on top of Asshole who looked very pleased with himself.

"Wow that was hot!" Julian said as him, River and Isaac stared at me and Asshole with their mouths hanging open. I climbed off Assholes lap and quickly fixed my shirt and hair. All the guys watched me quietly in shock. Except for Asshole who's delicious lips were curved into a smirk.

"Told you I always get what I want." He whispered so only I could hear. I cringed at his words and felt my mental walls cracking. Fear occupied my thoughts and emotions as I had the worst realization of my life.

I kissed Asshole, the worlds most heartless player, and liked it.
Oooooooh drama!
Hope you liked this chapter!
Have a good day lovelies.😎


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