t h r e e

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Periods two through four flew passed in a blur. I couldn't focus on the lessons because my hormonal mind was replaying me and Assholes kiss over and over again.

In third period I played it in my mind with so much detail I moaned in class. Do you know how freaking embarrassing that is? Pretty freaking embarrassing.

I was extremely grateful when the lunch bell rang. I literally skipped out of class completely overjoyed. I was excited to talk to Ty about his day. To see if he had new hot friends and any crushes. I didn't bother to stop at my locker because a couple was making out on it (why always my locker?) I just headed straight to the lunch court.

When I burst through the door my heart immediately dropped. Ty was sitting at a table filled with boys. Two of the boys I recognized as Isaac and Asshole. I wish I could find another seat but the lunch line was too long and I needed to steel Ty's food. I'm pretty sure somebody wouldn't appreciate me taking their nature valley bar off their tray so Ty was my best bet.

I walked up to their table. The lunch court turned silent and everyone watched me stride to my brothers side. A boy I didn't recognize sat next to my brother. I cleared my throat and the hot guy turned around to face me. "Move," I said motioning for him to scoot over.

He gave me a smirk. "Make me beautiful," I gave him a sweet smile and punched Ty's arm. "Hey Ty some help here?" I asked. "Tyler isn't interested in you girl so just move along," I looked at the guy in disbelief and then back at Tyler.

"Well I'm happy he doesn't have feelings for me that would be really inappropriate since I'm his sister," I said smirking. The guys face turned a bright red in embarrassment. "Oh," he said. "Yah 'oh' now scoot," I replied fuming. The boy hastily slide over giving me space.

I sat down in his warm seat and stole half of Ty's ham sandwich. He gave me a warning glare but didn't complain.
"So Tyler you wanna come tonight or what?" One of his friends from across the table said. "Go where?" I asked giving Tyler a questioning look. His friend answered me.

"Isaacs party. You guys should totally come!" I could see the boys eyeing me from the corner of my eye and I flashed Ty's friend a dazzling smile. "We would love to come right Ty," I said elbowing him in the gut.

"Ow...yah sure I guess we can go we'll just have to sneak back in after," he directed the last part to me. "Sounds good to me." I said shrugging.

"I hear Gina's going to be there, I call dibs on her!" One of the boys said raising his head. "That's totally not fair I was going to bang her so hard!" Another one chimed in. After a few minutes the fighting turned into a full fledged war.

A girl with beautiful curly light brown hair gracefully walked up to our table. She had two girls behind her but they were nothing special compared to this girl. Her hair seemed to be have natural gold highlights. Her eyes were a light brown/coppery color. She was gorgeous. "Gina," all the guys at the table moaned her name.

Even my brother. The one guy that seemed to be annoyed by her presence was Asshole. He had his arms crossed over his chest and he was continuously rolling his electrifying blue eyes. Gina immediately noticed Assholes displeasure and walked over to him.

She touched his cheek and he slapped her hand away like it was a fly. She pulled back and cradled her red palm. "Axel what's wrong?" She gave him a concerned look. "Don't touch me slut," he said turning away from her. Gina's face visibly dropped but she lit right back up when she spotted Tyler. Gina strode over to where Tyler and me sat. "Hello Tyler. I've heard much about you and your sisters arrival," She sounded so formal.

"Sup," he said cooly. "You must be Mila. Nice to meet you," she said with an outstretched hand I shook it warmly and smiled. The girl seemed genuinely nice. I wonder why Asshole hated her so much.

"Mila we should hang out sometime," she said smiling brightly at me. "Yah sure!" I said happily. Finally a friend. Before she walked away Gina turned to Tyler, "Can't wait to see you at the party," she said biting her lip suggestively. Gina and the other girls then walked away to their table and the boys erupted into conversation.

"She's soooo hot!" One guy said. "She's uber graceful," another said. "She's a total slut," one voice said over the others. Everyone turned to the owner. Asshole looked partially mad and partially annoyed. "I prefer woman that don't like you at first, that are challenging and are extremely sexy," Asshole gave me a barley noticeable wink. I scoffed.

"Tyler we're buddies right?" Asshole asked putting his black shoes on the table with a clunk. Oh shit! Asshole was going to either make me super embarrassed or make Tyler really angry.

I gave Asshole a begging look and tried tell him to shut up with many hand gestures. Asshole just smiled. "My mom is leaving for a really long business trip and she said I'd have to stay at one of my friends house for the time being. Do you think I can stay at yours?" He asked with a serious face.

"Oh yah of course! My dad wouldn't mind we have to many rooms anyway." Asshole smiled brightly. He had a whole table of friends that he'd known longer, why did he ask Tyler?

The answer came right away. Me, he wanted to be in the same house as me. Dammit. This was going to be a long year.
Sorry if this chapters not great. Next chapter will be better promise. Hope you liked it though!
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