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As soon as we entered Isaacs huge house Ty and Asshole were surrounded by drunk girls. Ty enjoyed his fan club but Asshole desperately tried to escape. Laughing I walked hastily to the danced floor. I let my feelings loose and dance along with the Florida music that was playing. I swayed my hips back and fourth rhythmically.

After a few seconds of dancing solo I felt large hands grab my waist and pull my behind into a large muscular chest. I looked up at my dance partner and got lost in a pair of familiar icy blue eyes. "Asshole what are you doing?"

I asked turning around to face him. He groaned in displeasure. "No your supposed to grind on me not have a conversation with me," he said pouting. "Sorry Asshole but I'm not a slut, why don't you go talk to that girl over there she seems to like you," I said pointing to a brunette that was staring at Asshole like he was a god.

"Oh you mean Cece? Nope I banged her yesterday, she's old news." he said looking at me with lust. "Seriously! Have you banged every girl at this school?" I asked with disgust. "Ya probably. Every girl except you my lovely Spark," he said giving me a wink.

I scowled and continued to dance solo.
"Please one dance?" He asked pouting. His plump red lips stuck out. "Fiiiiinnnee," I said groaning. I started dancing in front of him. "No grinding?" He whined. "Yep no grinding," I said smirking. "your no fun! I'm gonna go hump another girls behind at least they'll appreciate it!"

Asshole stomped defiantly away. I continued to dance by myself until I felt someone tap my shoulder. "Asshole you said you'd find another girl," I whined as I turned towards Asshole. "Umm... I didn't know I was an asshole," I heard a rich voice say as I slowly turned in the voices direction.

A boy with auburn hair and pale green green eyes stood in front of me. He was gorgeous!! "Oh, um sorry I thought you were Axel. He's been messing with me all night," I smiled at the guy. He seemed nice.

"Well I can see why. He is the school player and your one hell of a catch," he looked me up and down and smiled at me appreciatively. I could see a hunger beneath his well guarded gaze but I didn't acknowledged it.

"You wanna dance?" He asked politely. "Sure!" I said ignoring the fact that his eyes were filled with overwhelming lust. "Whats your name beautiful?" He as we danced alongside each other. "Oh Mila," I said smiling. "Xavier," he replied.
Umm sexy name.
I thought as we continued to sway to the melody of the music. "You want me to get you a drink?" He asked over the loud music. "Sure! Thanks" I replied. He smiled brightly at me and walked over to the punch table.

I somehow felt wrong. Like I shouldn't talk to Xavier anymore.
But he's hella hot!
My teenage brain rang out. This was a party, no caution just fun. When he came back he handed me a drink. I took it and thanked him. He took a sip from his and set it down on the table beside us.

The party was nuts. Bodies pressed together giving the room that hot and sticky feeling. I took a chug at my drink and immediately felt woozy. The drink fizzed in my brain and made me dizzy. I would've collapsed to the ground if Xavier hadn't caught me.

"You ok, beautiful?" He said with a wild smile plastered on his once gorgeous face. "You drugged me," I managed to get out. "Yep," he said cheerfully. "You sick son of a bast-ta..," my brain couldn't function and I couldn't speak properly.

"Here sweetie why don't we bring you upstairs," he said in a pretend caring voice. He picked me up in his arms and carried me through the masses of people. Surrounding the steps to the second floor was Axel and a group of his fangirls. All the girls moved to let us pass but Axel gave Xavier a suspicious look.

This is my chance!
I gave Axel a hopeless look and mouthed the word 'help'. He gave me a barley noticeable nod and ran off making all the girls pout.
Xavier carried me up the steep steps effortlessly.

I weakly punched his chest continually. "Don't waste your energy," he said smirking down at me. He brought me to a dark room in the back that was completely empty. Fear crawled up my throat and I tried to scream but only raspy air came out.

Please Axel hurry!
I prayed that nothing bad would happen and that Axel would get there on time. Wait hold the chicken strips, did I just call him Axel instead of Asshole! Desperate times calls for desperate measures.

Xavier laid me on the bed and my vision started to go black.
Well at least I won't feel it!
I thought as I came closer and closer to the brink of unconsciousness. Right when my hope had almost drained away I saw Axel kick down the door with a frying pan in hand.
Wait, a frying pan?
Before I could question what I saw my vision turned black and I fell asleep.


I kicked down one of the closed bedrooms on the second floor with Isaacs moms best frying pan in hand (what? First of all I saw this in a disney movie and second of all it's the only weapon they had in the kitchen)
My soul spoke.
Well to late for that now!
I thought as I saw Xavier leaning over Mila on the guest bed. Mila was fast asleep now. Her hair was still perfect and her body looked outstanding in her clingy black dress.

I understood why Xavier chose her to rape. She is the prettiest girl at this party after all. Seeing him about to hurt her angered me. And when I get angry I get scary. I sped walked straight to Xavier. His eyes widened in surprise and his face turned the same shade as his pale green orbs. I smiled deviously.

"Don't ever talk to Mila again or I will kill you and that my dear Xavier is a fucking promise," I swung my pan hard. It hit him smack on the forehead and he collapsed with a thud. He was unconscious just like Mila.

"Shit these things really work," I muttered as I threw the pan on top of Xavier's body and lifted Mila into my safe arms. Her long eyelashes cast a soft shadow on her cheeks and her plump red lips were curved into a soft smile. At least her dreams were pleasant. "Don't worry Spark I'll take you home," I whispered softly as I descended down the wooden steps to the party below.
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