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~Back to Mila~

I woke up in a soft sheeted bed. I heard breathing next to me and opened one eye to peak at whatever was beside me. Assholes sleeping face was inches away from mine. His body pressed against mine in a very intimate position and his strong arms encircled me to keep me from leaving.

I tried to slowly push away from him but his grip tightened. "Stay," he said half asleep. "Asshole we gotta get up and get ready for school." I said trying to untangle my body from his. "Lets skip and just lay like this for the whole day. Your boobies feel nice against my chest, like marshmallows," I could tell he wasn't fully awake and I burst out laughing.

"Asshole wake up!" I said gently punching his shoulder. This brought a goofy grin to his handsome face. "You wanna fight?" He asked teasingly. "Nooo," I said shaking my head. Out of nowhere he hopped on top of me. His hands held down my arms and his thighs pinned my legs to the mattress.

He slowly leaned down a mischievous grin on his devious face. "Don't you think about it!" I said trying to pull out of his grasp. "Haha you have no idea what I'm thinking about right now. But I can tell you if you did you'd probably hit me so, I'm glad you can't read minds." He smiled and continued to lean forward.

I could feel his warm breath on my lips and his body pressed closer to mine. "No Asshole n-" his lips met mine. At first I was defiant but soon I melted into the kiss. Axel's lips were intoxicating and even I couldn't resist his touch.

My heart thundered in my chest and my breath was slowly being taken from me. Our passionate kiss ended when I pulled back to breath. He was panting on top of me. I slowly regained my strength and tried to push him off me. "See, no one can resist my hotness!" He said with a triumphant smile.

"You. are. a. asshole," I said between pants. "An asshole you can't resist!" He got of the bed laughing. I pushed up onto my elbows and took in my surroundings. The walls were painted a dark blue. The room was surprisingly tidy. Clothing hung from racks in Assholes walk in closet.

There was no trash on the carpeted floor. The bed was king sized and the pillows were so soft. I would have enjoyed the feeling except I could practically feel the presence of all the other girls that laid here before me. Wait! Why the hell was I here anyway!

Last night was fuzzy what if I did something stupid. What if I slept with Asshole! I looked down at my chest expecting it to be bare. Luckily I had a gray shirt on.
I don't own gray shirts!
They make me feel depressed.
"Asshole what happened last night?!" I yelled to him while he was in the bathroom.

He came out with a white towel hanging lowly on his waist. I blushed and quickly turned away. "Wouldn't you like to know." His voice rang with humor. "Yes I would," I said coldly. "Umm.....you won't believe me if I told you the truth. All you need to know is we didn't sleep together. I didn't change your clothes my mom did, I did peek though. The rest is confidential I don't want you to relive the memory," he said suddenly serious. He shook his black hair and walked back into the bathroom.

"At least explain why you didn't take me home!" I yelled to the closed bathroom door. "I wanted company!" He yelled back. A few seconds later I heard the shower start. I got up and searched the room for girl clothes. One drawer was filled with condoms. Eww.

Another with boy clothing, shirts, pants, boxers, shit like that. Finally I found a pretty but extremely short baby blue skirt and a plain white crop top. I looked like a slutty white girl. When I finished changing I sat on Assholes bed and waited for him to finish his shower.

Finally after a ten minute wait he finally came out. Water dropped off his midnight hair onto the towel that covered his lower half. His tan six pack was on full display and my eyes were practically glued to his chest. "Stop drooling your getting saliva all over my comforter." he frowned at me but I could see the smile he was holding back.

"Hey can you take a sick day and help me move into your house? Your brother would never agree, but since your the nice sibling?" He gave me a sweet smile and batted his almost feminine eyelashes. I couldn't resist the look. "Sure," I said with no emotions.

"Yay!!" He said jumping up. His towel dropped to the ground and I quickly burrowed my head in his bed sheets. "Are you serious Mila? I dare you to peek," I could hear the smirk in his voice. "Nope I hate dares!" I replied into the sheet. It was a complete lie. I love dares they make parties exciting.

"Lier!" He said. I could hear him approaching and I squeezed my eyes shut tightly. I quickly scrambled off the bed with my eyes closed and started to feel my way towards the door. Just when I was almost there my hand touched Assholes muscular chest. "You can look now," he said laughing. I slowly opened my green orbs cautiously.

To my luck he had put on a pair of black jeans. I scowled at him and walked out of his room. This was going to be a really shitty day.
Hope you liked this short chapter!
If you have any Q's please comment and I'll get right back to you.
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