Chapter four

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While I spent the rest of the day with Jake we got a call from Rafael, we should meet him when it's dark, at one of his safe-house-apartments.

"Alright, I promised the Misses to be home for dinner. So, we'll make this quick." Rafael said when Jake, Gabriel and I all arrived at the apartment. "We'll go to Spain in two weeks, I have to meet a few people and got some business there, but I need people with me who I trust. You are the chosen ones, Gabriel is with me for six years now and you, Jane, had the cleanest background check I saw." He walked around the room, he's nervous, unsure. "I'll call you all for more information." He said and then quickly left, leaving us behind with question marks everywhere. "What's wrong? Why is he so nervous?" I asked Gabriel, pretending I wouldn't know the reason. "The twins, they were supposed to call him this morning. They didn't. So I went over to their hotel, they didn't even get there last night. They just disappeared. It makes him nervous because they had influence and were good at what they're doing. He's worried that someone is after him now. And honestly, I think, for a second, he thought it could have been his father to keep Rafael from being more powerful than himself. That's why we met here: no cameras and nobody knows about it... He thinks..." Gabriel said and for a second I thought he suddenly lost his accent, but I shook of that thought because it was just not logical. "Should we go then?" Jake asked, Gabriel nodded "Yes sure, you two lovebirds probably have better plans, don't you?" he laughed, Jake grinned, and I felt heat coming up into my cheeks. One after another we left the flat and the building and drove home.

"Did you notice something unusual about Gabriel earlier?" I heard Jake ask when I opened the fridge to look for food. "No, what do you mean?" "The way he said that Rafael thinks nobody knows about the apartment." He explained. "Doesn't mean anything, I mean they don't know for sure how much the authorities know about them." I looked for an explanation. "And did you notice the slight British accent when he greeted us?" he asked, "Also doesn't mean anything, maybe he lived there for a while, if you once get it you probably never completely lose it, look at you for example, you got it too, even though you live in America for 18 years now." I took a yogurt and sat next to Jake on the couch, he turned on his laptop. "Sure but... I don't know." He opened a file called >stuff that's useless< and opened the program of our agency that also had a weird name: >high school meeting<. He typed in the name >Gabriel Santiago. < and opened the top file. "He was never ever in the UK, see that?" Jake said when he showed the list of countries Gabriel has been in. "Well then maybe one of his parents was British and he learned speaking two accents, I don't know what you are trying to reach with this." "I want to know what agency he is from." He explained. "What do you mean by that? What the hell are you imagining?" I asked and leaned back into the couch pillows. "He knows that the government knows about Rafael's secret apartment, and he has a British accent but never was in the UK, he seems too nice and... I just got a feeling." He said. "He probably just got a new identity because he has a bigger purpose than we have, he needs to find more than proofs that bring Rafael to prison for a while. Probably has to find out how to stop him from getting out ever again. Or something like that..." he stayed with his theory. "Okay, do whatever you want, run his picture through the whole database, ask around, have fun with that, I'll go to bed now..." I sat up and leaned closer to him "...alone." I added whispering in his ear. "Forget about that, running his picture will take a while, I can do whatever I want while that program is running, honey." He said, I just got up and went to the bedroom where I let myself fall on the bed, a few seconds later Jake followed and kneeled over me, we started kissing and slowly lost our clothes.

I woke up in the middle of the night because I was cold. It took me a while to realize why I was cold: Jake was gone. His heat usually kept me warm and now he's gone. I looked for my phone to see how late it was but it was early, really early. 3.13 A.M. I sat up and saw a little light from the living-room shine through the door. I stood up, wrapped the blanket around me and went to the door. "Jake?" I asked, he sat in front of his laptop. "What are you doing? Come back to bed." I kept walking and sat on the couch next to him. "I found something." He said and seemed to be wide awake. "About Gabriel?" I asked and leaned against his shoulder to look at the screen. "Yes. MI6 got an Agent in America, high priority, partly classified because he is still in field, six years in exactly nine days, parents came from Mexico, went to Europe when he was five, lived there until his undercover mission in America started. This guy has an impressive history, many exciting missions." He told me, I had to think about it before I could say something because I was still in a sleeping-mode. "Do you know how many Agents MI6 has? Undercover Agents." I asked "No but we got access to the files about the ones in our country, except for the names they got here and Thomas Morales is the only one that would fit with Gabriel Santiago. I mean... six years. Gabriel is with Rafael for six years, and you can definitely hear the British accent sometimes and Thomas' mother is Mexican..." he explained, I sighed and closed my eyes for a few seconds. "Can we talk about this later? I just want to sleep." I asked "Why'd you even get up? You didn't have to." He wondered. "Wow you really are an idiot." I stood up "I felt protected by you and warm and comfortable in your arms. I only didn't have nightmares the last nights because I felt like you'd protect me from them. But okay, let's forget about that, I hope you sleep nicely on that stone couch. Good night." I pulled the blanket tighter around me and turned around to go back to bed. "Jane! I'm sorry. Wait!" he got up too and followed me but I was already in the bedroom and shut the door. "Rule number 2, Mister. You sleep on the couch." I reminded him und threw myself on the mattress and snuggled into my pillow. "Come on, babe. I'm sorry." Jake came inside "Go away!" I said and made myself big enough to take over the whole bed. "No space around here." I added, he sighed. "But I'll leave the door open." He gave up "To hear when you are scared." He added and then left.

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