Angel of Mine

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I dread waking up early. Especially on Mondays. “Melody, c’mon, we gotta get you to school!” My father shouts from downstairs through the barrier that is my door. I rolled my eyes, “yeah ok!” I replied.  I brushed on a little blush onto my cheek as the final touch, threw on my newest white crop top and black jeggings and headed for the door.

Swiftly grabbing my beige messenger bag from the rack that held my coats and other nicnacs, I sped through the door. Walking down the staircase I could hear my dad starting to open the front door. I never have time to eat breakfast sometimes so I always forget about it anyway. I waved goodbye to my mother whom was in the kitchen sipping a cup of tea before heading to the hospital, she was a nurse.

We jumped to the car quickly as possible and before we knew it we were already on the road.

5:45 in the morning. Early huh? That’s sort of a normal thing now. My dad likes to drop me off early before he goes to start work. It all started freshmen year of high school, at first I was a little irritated but after while it just grew on me, I was more familiar with the campus by the end of the first month in freshmen year. And on a lighter note, at least I’d never be late for school. Since the first day of high school, I’ve never been tardy or absent. Ever. Kind of sad, but It’s sort of hard to explain why. Our high school has the biggest campus in comparison to any other schools in the community. Almost the size of a university, so you could imagine.

We arrived to the school; my dad dropped me off in the front closest to the tall flag pole. “I have a meeting after school, so you’ll have to walk home alright?” I nodded at his remark and smirked before shutting the car door.

The sky was still dark and the sun was slowly making its way over the horizon. I made my way over to football field. It’s always my favorite spot in the whole campus, especially in the morning. I like to sit there and watch the sunrise before the day actually start. The droplets on the grass made the entire field glisten.

It was pure silence and that’s what I liked the most. It was a place I got to think things out, calm down a bit before an exam, go to when I had to study, absent myself from any drama the day before. Redemption, the football field. I climbed my way up to the side of the bleachers where I was able to overlook the whole field that stretched across. I stretched my arms and sat down on the cold metal seat.

An orangy-red color started to hover past the blue and purple in the sky and a shining speck from a far came over the horizon, the sun was finally waking up. The colors of the wind were calming and the breeze was always perfect here in the morning. A place where I could think, especially now. Only half a year left until I’m out of here, out of high school. That’s right, I’m also in my senior year of high school.

For a moment I leaned back and closed my eyes thinking about my senior year and how it’s going to actually go. How scared I was for the future. I’m a straight A student, always honor roll, and always on principal’s list. I’ve been the class president since our freshmen year …and yet I was so confused about my future plans. I always find myself asking where was I going to go with my life? My mom and dad have different plans for me. Mom wants me to become a doctor, whereas my dad most likely sees me as a lawyer. The feud between the two has been going on for quite some time, but don’t I have a say in it?

 A sudden drop of a pebble made my eyes abruptly open, I looked left to right frantically. Soon, I noticed a little figure far down to the right of me from where I sat. I squinted trying to get a better look but I didn’t recognize the figure.

He slouched over twiddling with something in his hand, it shined by the sunrise but I couldn’t make out what it was. It frightened me for a moment because I’m always the only one here in the morning; no one comes as early as I do. I leaned a little bit forward trying to get a good view but the bleacher screamed. When I leaned, the boy’s head from a far turned slightly to view me. I gulped, scared of what may have happened. He frightened me; it was an unusual figure in an unusual place. He bore dark clothing and though he was so far away, his gaze pierced into me. I wasn’t really sure how long we stayed like this, but eventually I rose from my seat quickly and headed for my class building.

Angel of MineWhere stories live. Discover now