Chapter 8

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Before you start!!!! I apologize for not updating, so much has been going on and I haven't really had time to write :( But, I'm really trying to find time again. Almost there until I can finally take a breather.

But anyway, here is chapter 8! It's semi-long. I'm in the progress of working on chapter 9 so nooooo worrriiies. Also, please keep voting and spread the word! I also check the comments a lot, I know some of you guys have told me how much you like it, thank you for that, if you can, please help me get this fanfic on the roll! 50+ likes if that's possible? "/ we'll see...but yeah. HERE IS CHAPTER 8! Thank you for being so patient x 


I couldn’t stop thinking of the events that happened the night before. All in one night, the image of the ‘bad boy’ of the school seemed to decrease more and more.

“Melody?” My father called out, sitting to the left of me in the car. He makes a sharp turn, closer to the road by my school. I turned away from the window I was gazing out of, adjusting my view only to him.

“You alright?” he asked taking a quick glance at me. I nodded in response. “You sure? You haven’t said a word since we left? And what happened last night? Why did you come home late?” he bombarded me with a load of questions, while I rolled my eyes.

“I tried to take a short cut, and I guess it led me to a longer way home. Sorry.” I simply said, trying to avoid talking about what actually happened; the fact I nearly killed someone out of anger.

He took in my answer and drove up to the school as usual. I said my goodbyes and headed for the football field. The wind messed with my hair and tousled it around. The metal seats were cold beneath my warm skin. I inhaled a chunk of the air and released slowly. Letting out all the negative thoughts. Trying to erase them was hard. Harry’s voice echoed in my head, “you will never understand how I feel!” the way his voice raised and how different of a resemblance he had, nearly scared me. It sent shivers down my spine yesterday. And the way I reacted…that wasn’t like me. That wasn’t normal for me to do.

“Hey.” A deep voice called out from behind me. I turned and looked up to the figure. Harry stood a few feet away from me, with a crooked smile on his face. I gulped, grabbing hold of my school bag and getting up, “wait!” he cried out, grabbing my forearm halting me from moving any further.

I whipped my hair toward him; the face he displayed yesterday came into play. The face I’ve never seen him make before, his eyebrows frowned and his eyes were a soft frosty green, the plumpness of his lips was at agape when I spoke to him.

I tugged away, “why?” I asked sharply. His hand heaved away. “I—I umm…” he stuttered for the first time, I’ve never seen him this way before.

“I umm, I want to talk…” he pushed out. I exhaled a deep breath, “now you want to talk?” I scoffed. He bit his bottom lip, scratching his head nodding.

I stood there frozen, I was too scared to say or do anything to piss him off. He took a seat on the bleachers where I first sat. He looked up at me patting the seat to the left of him. “Well?” he said. “Sit.” He commanded bluntly. I hesitated for a moment but I took a seat not too far from him.

He looked out onto the field leaning forward twiddling with his fingers and the bandage he had on his hand. I hadn’t noticed the bandage until then, it was from the glass he punched out from last night, I knew it. It was pure silence, nothing but a few chirping birds in the back of a few trees.

I looked up to his green eyes and plump lips and took in his features. He slowly looked down to the corner of his eye, trying to meet with mine, but I look away, out into the field. I hear him chuckle under his breath, causing me to look back at him. “You’re very awkward sometimes…” he said with a little smile. Slowly, but surely, I felt my smile developing, soon we were taking in both of each other’s laughter.

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