Finding Out Indentities

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Y/N was sitting there texting the strangers on her phone. One of them is named Anthony, huh. The news was playing in the background but she wasn't listening. Junk burst into the room, bags on their arms.

"Bonjour, asshole," they shouted, "I'm back."
"Didn't miss you," Y/N replied without missing a beat. She opened Duolingo to work on her daily streak.

They sat down, changed the channel to Hallmark and watched unrealistic love stories they desperately wanted to happen to them.

~~~le time skip~~~

The next day, Y/N and Juni were going to their secondary school reunion with their own friend, Will. They were all in the car.

"So wait, what do you do for work?" Y/N asks.

"I'm a hacker. I hack people and places for other people and get paid a lot," Juni explains, "Unless it's like government stuff. That's for fun."

"Okay, and Will?" Y/N asks.

"I make YouTube videos and stream," he explains.

"Stream what? Getting yourself off?" Y/N asks sarcastically but with a straight face.

The 6 foot 5 man looked at her in horror. "NO! Minecraft," he clarified.

"Like that pig dude Juni always talks about?" she inquired.

"Yeah. I actually play with the pig dude," Will said.

Juni hit the break of the car way to hard at the stop sign. "YOU PLAY WITH TECHNOBLADE?!" they shouted.

"Yeah," Will said weakly, obviously scared.

"I'm starting to hate you less, ma guy," Juni explained.

"You hate me?" Will said offended, "I mean, same, but still."

"Yeah, I do. You stole Y/N from me," Juni shrugged.

"Aw, I'm sorry. I didn't know you felt that way," Will apologized.

"Stop being sappy up there," Y/N shouted from the back seat. "Will, give me your phone."

"Yes, ma'am," he said, quickly passing it up.

"I do wonder though, what do you do for a living?" Will asked Y/N.

"I used to be in the military. I was really good at it too, but some American organization called SHIELD started going after me. It wasn't worth it to keep running from and avoiding them so they let me take an undefined leave and now I'm an archaeologist that specializes in France," Y/N explained. So maybe Juni wasn't exactly truthful to the strangers on the internet but to be fair, they're strangers on the internet.

"Wait, so Will, you play with Technoblade, what's your channel called?" Juni asked.

"Guess," is all Will replied with.

"Can we get hints?" Y/N asked.

"Depends," Will decided.

"British, British, British and looks like that," Juni muttered.

"Ouch," Will joked. "Okay, hint. It's a nickname that Y/N used to call me."

"Liam, Goldie, Lilly, Wilbur, Soots," Y/N started listing.

"WILBUR SOOT?!" Juni yelled.

"That's me," Will said.

"NO FACKING WAY." Juni shouted. "We're here."

"Hey, Tommy goes to school here," Will pointed out.

"Who?" Y/N said, at the same time Juni asked "Innit?

"That's the one," Will responded.

"So why is our reunion at the same time school is currently in session. I mean, it is 10 AM on a Tuesday," Y/N asked.

"I think we're supposed to mingle with the kids," Juni explained.

"Dam it," Y/N and Will said in unison. "Jinx. Jinx, jinx" they continued shouting into the building. They finally stopped when Juni yelled shut up.

Y/N remembering she still had his phone, she pressed it to his chest. He quickly grabbed it. They made it to the reunion spot and all three of them quickly went on to their phones once sat down.



America's Ass?
Why howdy?

I'm trying to fit in
with all you Americans
even if we're in
private messages and not
the group chat

America's Ass?
Well, I'm not Texan,
so it doesn't really fit

Hey, are you by any
chance involved in the
US government?

America's Ass?
Define involved

Do you know what

Steve's POV
When Brighton sent that text, he started panicking. Not many Americans knew about SHIELD, and here she was, a probably purely British person who knew about it. How did she know?
This wasn't the first time she sent him into overthinking. The time she called him Captain America, the time she said he had superpowers, so on and so forth. She couldn't know, it wouldn't be safe. But still, SHIELD was really secure. They told very few people outside of it what it was, but she knew. Maybe she was an agent, that retired. He knew he had to talk to Fury about it but still wanted to text her.
He decided against his better judgement and went to talk to Fury.

~~~a walk to SHIELD later~~~

"Hey, Fury," Steve started.
"What?" Fury said, not looking up
"Did you ever do any missions in England?" he asked, "Like to get a British person or something?"
"Yes. Book 3 on the Shelf," he answered.
There were a lot of books on the shelf. He had the first book being the first superhero created by SHIELD or the beginning of it. Captain Marvel had the second, her being the beginning of assembling a team. The third book though, the third person they tried to recruit.
"Is that the only book about British people?" he asked.
"Only one in most of Europe," Fury answered. "Natasha's the only other European one but technically she was recruited in America so she doesn't count."
"Can I take it and return it later?" Steve asks.
"Sure, just be warned though, there's not a lot of information," Fury warned.
"Alright, sir," he took the book and left.

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