How Many Times Is This Gonna Happen?

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So after Steve and I got Tony back, we went out separate ways. Of course, I could've made it not awkward and talked to him but I didn't. I don't think I've said a word to him in two days.

Godamit Y/N!

It's early in the morning and I can't sleep. I'm still pretty active, so I decide to go jogging 'round the tower.

Of course, as I'm getting ready to leave, I run into Steve.

"Hey, mate! Where you've been? I haven't seen you around," I say, cheerfully lying.

"Oh, I've just been here. Where you heading to?" he asks, grabbing a pair of sneakers.

"Jogging," I reply, doing the same.

We sit down next to each other on a conveniently placed loveseat.

I feel his arm on my back as I'm trying my other shoe.

"Hm?" I reply, not looking up.

"Nothing," he shrugs, "just missed being with you."

"Aw, Stevie," I say, dramatically putting my hands over my heart.

"Nevermind," he tells me, retracting his arm.

We just kinda stare at each other, uncomfortably close. The kind of uncomfortable close where you either have to move closer together or farther apart. The damn conveniently placed loveseat didn't really have an option to move farther apart.

While I was having a panic attack over this, Steve had apparently made his mind up as I felt his lips on mine.

I kiss him back. It was still warm and sweet. It was quick but made me really confused.

"Is that going to be a thing now?" I wonder, after pulling away.

"I mean, I wouldn't hate it," Steve shrugs.

"Imma take you're answer as a most likely," I reply.

He just smiles. "You ready to go?"


And off we go. Apparently he's done this before so I just keep up with him.

That wasn't to bad in the beginning when he was trying to be nice. Once half a mile happened, he sped up. Like a lot. My competitive ass and need to prove myself made it so I still had to keep up with him.

I'm dying. Who invented running? I'd like to bring them back to life just to kill them again.

Godamit brain, stop being so violent. We pause at a tree.

"You okay?" he asks.

"Yup," I manage to make out between pants.

"You sure?" he clarifies.

"Oui, je suis sûr que tu es putain de fille," I retort. (Yes, I'm fucking sure you wench)

"I have no idea what you just said," he informs me.

"Well it looks like someone needs to learn French," I nag.

"Is féidir le beirt imirt sa chluiche sin," he says, in fluent Irish. (Two can play at that game)

"Mother fucker," I groan.

"I did not fuck you're mother, thank you very much," he says, sarcastically. He looks low-key proud of himself.

I clap. "Good job, though one thing, and I'm taking this page out of your book, LaNgUage."

He just sighs, looks down and shakes his head. I can tell he's smiling.

I look over and see a dude move out of my vision. I shrug it off and then immediately think, that better not effect me later.

"You ready to go again?" he asks, looking around.

No, fucking no. "Do you ever wonder if there's going to be another article?"

"Probably," he shrugs.

"How did that problem even get solved last time?" I ask.

"Tony deleted all history of it on the internet," he explains.

We get up and go again. Oddly, there's a dude running the other way on the path. He's the first person we've seen whilst running.

"Person," I point out.

"Yup," Steve agrees.

When we approach him, I feel something in my arm and promptly faceplant onto the cement.

I'm semi-concious. I hear Steve and the dude fighting but I can't see around me or move.

I feel like I'm getting dragged away by a stranger? Oh yeah, definitely a stranger.

Fuck, I got kidnapped again.

I was with Captain fucking America. How many times is this going to happen?

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