Will Makes Me Get Ice Cream with Steve

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Juni and I, the next day, head over to Will's because he wanted to stream with us.

A couple minutes after we get there, he starts the stream.

"Hey chat!" he greets chat. "Hey, I know I'm in my office but it's only gonna be for a bit."

Juni's hyperventilation in a corner and I check my phone.

I have a text from Steve. It just says "please." That's odd.

"Chat, chat, I know you're wondering who my friends are. I'm getting there," Will says, waiting for viewers to join, I guess.

I check my phone again. 29 messages from Steve, 32 from Nick, 24 from Tony and 4 from Peter.

I answer Peter's message but ignore the rest. Jeez why do those people actually enjoy texting me.

"Okay, okay, fine!" Will says, causing me to put my phone away. "I'll introduce you to them!"

He pulls Juni in frame. "This is one who I no longer like because they betrayed me," Wilbah explains.

Juni looks at him in confusion. "Yeah, they had me believing that their name was Juni this whole time! Yeah, Imma tell you a little secret," he says, almost shouting. He leans closer to the camera. "Their real name's Geneva! I know, right?"

"Are you ever going to let that go?" Geneva complains.

I laugh, "Nope."

It is silent for a minute. Wilbur starts laughing followed by Juni. "Chat, chat stop freaking out. That's my other friend who I'm not going to pull in the view of the camera because she's scary," Wilbur jokes.

"Smart decision," I say, walking into frame and bending down slightly.

"Off we go, into the city," Wilbur starts singing, picking up the camera and walking out the door.

We walk around and find ourselves in a pickup basketball game by the beach. It was us three against 7 egotistical year 7s. We won.

They got more friends to join. We won. We left and went down to the beach to skip stones and talk about life. That was really fun.

We start walking around the beach, I'm holding the camera. I collide into a guy, drop the camera and fall down.

Wilbur immediately runs over and checks on the camera. He starts filming the situation.

A hand sticks out to help me up and I take it.

"Incredibly sorry, miss," a familiar American voice says.

"Steve?" I ask, standing up. I fully stand up and look at his face. It is Steve.

"Hey," he smiles, patting his hands on his jeans.

"Okay, I'm not that dumb. Why are you in England?" I ask.

"I wanted to talk to you," he says, shrugging.

I look at Wilbur and he just shrugs. He fishes out like 2 euros from his pocket, gives it to me and points to an ice cream shop down the beach.

"I can pay," I protest.

"I don't care," Wilbur says. "Toodaloo." He walks over to Juni.

I look at Steve. "Welp, I guess we have a walk and some ice cream to talk."

"That we do," he smiles again.

We walk to the ice cream shop.

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