A Look Into the Future

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Back in America, like 3 years later.

"So, you married him," Juni says.

"So, you married her," I retort.

"How?" they wonder.

"Well, Steve wanted a traditional wedding, like where he asks my parents and all that jazz. I wanted to get drunkenly eloped in Vegas," I retell.

"Oop," they respond.

"So we got engaged in Vegas, and then had a traditional wedding. You know that, you were there," I point out.

"I didn't know you got engaged in Vegas. Seriously though, the land of strippers, alcohol, casinos and drugs?" they say sarcastically.

"You got married there. You're one to judge," I sit back in my chair.

"Yeah but at least I don't have a kid on the way," they smirk.

"Hey! Dogs are adorable," I shout.

"How's Wilbur? I haven't seen him in a bit," I ask.

"Has a girlfriend," they say nonchalantly. We turn around and watch the Avengers train.

"Ever miss it?" Juni asks.

"Working my butt of and risking my life on a daily basis?" I clarify.

"Mhm," they reply.

"Absolutely," I smile.

Steve comes over and kisses me.

"Ew," I push him away. "You're all sweaty."

He pats my back and laughs. "You didn't seem to mind last time."

"And I'm out," Juni says, walking right away.

Steve and I laugh. And we live, pretty happily, until we die.

Story is over

Now vote on plots for the next one
Whichever one gets four votes first will be done
The ship/person will be decided by whoever I believe fits the story

1.  Key/Lock Soulmate AU

2. Summer Romance

3. Ballet Lesson AU

4. A Prank Call/Wrong Number again

Read the next one pls
It's called

Read the next one plsIt's called

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Signing off for now, Elvadera

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