Meeting the 🖕🖕 Avengers

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Arriving at the site, something was amiss. People were running around screaming and a giant rabbit assisted by a robot was destroying things.

Wait! A giant rabbit and a robot destroying things? Whatever they found must be worth this.

I reach into the secret compartment of my backpack. One I haven't used in like 7 years. I pull out a mask and a knife. I grab the hood of my hoodie and pull it over my head, quickly tying my drawstrings. I hide my backpack behind a tree before running out to fight them.

I thought my "Verdict" days were over, but how wrong was I?

Steve's POV
Something unexpected happened.
Fury burst into the living room with no warning, but that wasn't the unexpected thing. Luckily, all of us were in the same room.
"Okay avengers, in France, there's a masked agent who hasn't been active in 7 years. We need you to see if you can convince them to come with you," Fury quickly explained.
Tony and I shared a knowing look across the room. Banner looked at Tony and raised and eyebrow. Tony, explaining to Banner, just mouthed the word "Brighton." Banner then caught on.

"Do you accept?" Fury asked.

Tony, oddly enough, agreed first. Unusual. Banner and I quickly agree as well. Fury just kind of ushered the rest of them into the Quinjet with us.

Banner, Tony and me made a huddle which didn't look suspicious at all.

"Don't show your face if you can help it," Tony warned, because Brighton knew each of our faces already.

"May I ask, how do you guys know about this?" Bruce questioned.

"Book 3, Fury. Nothing is known about them besides the fact that their from Brighton and have 2 close friends, Juni and William or as we suspect, Wilbur," Tony explained.
"Yup. All the known information matches. It also matches the fact that she didn't really reveal her face, Juni called her "Ver" which we think can be a nickname for Verdict and she is really secretive so you tell us what you think," I added.

"I'll take a look," Banner nodded and we broke up our huddle.

"Language," I warned, but I think they got the hint to watch what we reveal.
"What were you talking about?" Clint asked, innocently.

Tony and Bruce looked at me expectedly. "They think they found a breakthrough in replicating my serum so they were talking it over with me," everybody seemed satisfied with my answer, but I do believe Natasha was a tad bit suspicious. Arriving in France, we see a giant rabbit, a robot and a figure wearing basically a hoodie fighting them.

"Uhm," Clint asked. " I guess we jump in."

"Grab a parachute this time," Tony joked to me.

I almost finished off the rabbit. Sure it fell hella inhumane but what needs to be done needs to be done. I heard a plane go by overhead, but then it started hovering there.
I knock the rabbit down and far back enough to not worry about it again. I go to work on the robot, and out from the plane jumps Iron-Man.

Fuck, I gotta get this done quickly, I think.
I stab the robot, in the wires and start cutting as many I can. It falls to the ground sparking in less than 20 seconds, Iron-Man then hits it with the light from his blasters or whatever the hell they're called.

Hawkeye and Black Widow jump from the plane next.

I ignore them as I run to the rabbit. I stab deep in its eye. A quick, yet painful death to finish it off. I grab my knife, don't want to leave any DNA, and trying running the other way, only to find I'm being circled by the Avengers, minus the Hulk.

"Fuck," I mutter under my breath.

"Verdict?" Hawkeye calls out.

"What do you want?" I spat out, as threatingly and annoyed as I could. It's been awhile since I've done this.

"We just want to to come with us," Black Widow says, sweetly.

I can tell she doesn't care, she's trying to trick me. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Iron-man and Captain America slowly backing away.

"What information do you need?" I replied back, with the same false-sweetness, except I made mine more obvious.

"We don't know. Verdict please," Thor said, moving his grip on his hammer.

Oh dang, I'm intimidating a god? Maybe I am the baddest bitch of them all, I thought.
Instead of answering, I saw Black Widow slowly move her hand towards her knife, with Iron-Man and Captain America a comfortable? distance away.
I bend down, stab my knife into the ground, tackle her, and knock her out. Clint, obviously expecting resistance has his bow pulled out, arrow loaded and pointed at my chest. I just roll my eyes, grab his bow, and after a short game of tug-of-war turn it around and hit him in the head with it, knocking him out as well. Thor threw his hammer at this point and it was coming towards my head. I ducked and ignored it, instead coming at him with hand to hand combat, which he probably doesn't know very well, due to him constantly relying on his hammer. I keep going at him, not giving him a moment to open his hand and summon his hammer again. At one point, we got knocked to the ground towards the knife I stabbed and the knife Black Widow dropped when I attacked her. I grab them both and stab them into the ground in an X shape over his neck. I don't have to worry about him moving because how he was laying he had his hands pinned under him.

I turned to the remaining two. A mix of fear and admiration written on their faces. They appear to be frozen. Seeing how I just beat them easily, very out of practice as well, I understand it.

"I'm just gonna go," I say, pointing in a similar direction to that of which I hid my backpack. I sprint off before they can react. I make it to my backpack, unfollowed luckily and put my mask back in its compartment and took of my hoodie. I walked towards the site, as if oblivious of what just happened. I see the head person, standing there, staring at the direction of the site.

"Madame, there you are," I point out. "What's going on?"

"General, someone, in a jumper just beat the things that were attacking the site, and the Avengers as well."

"WHAT?!" I shout, acting like it wasn't me.
I see the plane take off so I ask my question.
"What happened at the site?"

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