78. Camp Roosevelt III

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Wilkes remembered Coach Rockwell's message to all the scouts before the ceremony began at Griswold Scout Reservation, as Wilkes watched the country going to another state for the very first time,

"Today is time... today is the time we mark our first official public ceremony," Coach Rockwell said. "I expected that all of you will be in their best behavior, best stand, and the best of impression," he said. "I expected all of you to have learned more than just earning badges in the camp like a shortcut, but learn something anew effectively than before," he said. "We all have trained for it every Monday and Friday, when you hear the bands blowing for your calls, you will all march to the stage, and when the flag's rising up the pole, the front line will start their salute, and everyone will follow," he said. "After that, let us hear the messages and efforts performed by the Eagle Scouts," he said. "This will be the biggest ceremony you all will have experienced, Principal Hank, the scout councils of both states, Governors of both states, soldiers former and current, will all be placing their eyes in your honor," he said. "I know you scouts will do us proud, so impress us."

Arriving at the lineup, where the scouts conversed of this very moment, where Wilkes stood silence in the middle of the line, trying to clearly see the flag pole, Coach Rockwell was looking everywhere for Wilkes pulling a taller scout into him,

"Wilkes, I want you to be in the front," Coach Rockwell ordered.

"What?!" Solomon and the taller scout reacted.

"F, f, front?" Wilkes heard. "I am sorry, front?"

"You are... the most suitable scout to lead one of the front lines, you are the best of us, you'll be standing in the middle, and you'll lead your line and follow the color guards, you are made for it, son,"

"W, what, sir, you, you can't just do that, I, my parents..." taller scout argued.

"Your time will come soon, son," Coach Rockwell said to him.

"But," both jinxed.

"Let's go, ceremony's starting in a minute," Coach Rockwell placed the taller scout, and pulled Wilkes to the front.

In the front, Wilkes could already hear the doubtful. "What?! Wilkes is in front of us?!" "Really, him?!" "He'a leading us?!" "He stole his line!" "He's gonna blow it!" "Why would a loser like him lead the line?!" "He's a nobody, not a leader."

Wilkes founded his very moment, to show honor to the ceremony.

"This is it, a good morning for New Hampshire, as the ceremony attended by two of our states will bring light to the Scouts of America," said the female reporter.

The MC hosted by the Daniel Webster Council of New Hampshire, called upon the audiences and the scouts to begin the ceremony. And when the audiences clapped, it so began. Captain Fowler from the United States Air Force marched into the stage, and acted as their commander in the ceremony's honor.

"Color guard, attention!" the commander declared for the scouts, the three color guard Eagle Scouts and other scouts stood straight and tall to attention, standing up the grip for the flag.

"Audience, rise up!" the commander called upon the audiences of the ceremony to stand up.

"I call upon, the Eagle Scout representatives of each humble states!" the commander called.

"Eagle Scout representative from the state of New Hampshire!" the commander called upon. "Cal Flecker."

"Eagle Scout representative from the state of Maine!" the commander called upon. "Izzy Marines."

"Color guard, advance!" the commander called the scouts.

"ATTENTION SCOUTS!" Eagle Scout #1 in front called, holding the flag, with Eagle Scout #2 behind on his left and Eagle Scout #3 behind on his right. "ADVANCE!!"

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