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The rain drops on the window panes clouded her vision of the world. The sound of the rain beating on the glass made her forget the world and forget the pain. It was a rhythmic comfort, no one could see her crying, no one could ask her: was she alright?.

Rain slowly slid down the glass as if the night was crying.

She trailed the drops till they vanished from her sight but her mind drifted to the memory lane that she despised the most.


The tapping of his right foot, uneasy breathing, and the thumping of his heart with sweat forming on his forehead while looking to the entrance was killing him in anxiety.

His heart was dropping by every second if that is even possible.

He drank his water for the umpteenth time but still, his throat was parched and his heart palpating.

He made the move after being with her all his school year, after knowing her all his childhood, growing up with her, and keeping his feelings under velvet wraps but after years of being together, he made the move to confess to her.

He knew that she was aware of his feelings but still that didn't affect their friendship and he also knew that she likes him too but he wanted more now.

He didn't want to be just friends with her but her soulmate.

They were off the school-age now. He was a student of law and she was a student of a med student. They had a career ahead and he wanted to be part of her life and make her part of his life to pursue their passion together. Though he also knew that it was a long road...... much long.

She belonged to a much rich political family but whereas he belonged to a middle-class family living with his three sisters and parents. He was the eldest child. His parents were teachers working hard to provide the bread for home and helping him so that he can focus on his studies. It was not only his dream to be a lawyer but his parent's dream too and he was working hard for it.

He was a handsome Tajik (Persian) boy. The footballer of their school. A height of 5.9 with curly hair, burnish complexion, and brown eyes. He didn't have any muscles and never wished to have but he was lean and handsome.

Very polite and very humble. The whole school had a crush on him but his eyes were on one person who he knew shared the same feeling as him if not too intense.

The soft voice of bangles broke his chain of thoughts. Instantly a smile darted on his lips looking at the woman of his heart for ages. She has ruled his heart for since he remembered.

She had a glossy Pashtoon complexion.

Blessed with rapture gray eyes that would drown him in the pit of darkness, earning him to come back to the surface. A pair of arched eyebrows looked down on sweeping eyelashes. A delicate ear framed a dainty nose. A set of dazzling angel-white teeth, gleamed as she gently smiled. It was always a pleasure to see her glowing skin and moon shadow-black hair flowing under her loose cream scarf.

Her enticing constellation-gray eyes stared at him followed by arching her perfect brow at him in a questioning manner. But apart from her beauty, he was amazed by her personality for ages.

She was astute,





And not to forget, she had a sharp intellect that helped her respond to situations deftly. She was quiet-witted.

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