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billie pov

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billie pov

i look at aaliyah walking down the hallway. her ass is big. suddenly she turns around and i turn around quickly not making it obvious i was looking at her.

i hear her heels against the floor and turn around. i don't hear them anymore and i look to see her now in the elevator.

i couldn't help but think about her. i was trying to get something accomplished at work today but i couldn't .

i'm truly am developing feelings and i hope it does not turn out like eve's and i relationship.

i go in my desk grabbing my chapstick. i apply some before looking in the mirror fixing my hair.

i'm waiting for aaliyah to come back up here so i can ask her what's her answer for the date.

i hear a knock and i'm confused because no one told me they were coming to my office today.

i look out the window to see a bald man,with black glasses on. oh shit!

i open my desk in a hurry grabbing the stack of money before opening the door.

"ms.o'connell" he say sternly walking in

"i'm so sorry i totally forgot but i have the money" i say picking up the money

"you've done this many times,if you keep on forgetting i will suddenly forget and not do my job" he say

"you don't do shit though! that's the funny part" i roll my eyes

"i don't do shit? then i quit"

"bye?" i say not really caring

he leaves out my office and i roll my eyes. i sit down in my chair and open my laptop checking statistics.

my sales have went up higher than usual and i go to the brand instagram page. i notice the following count is also higher by 1M from last week.

i check my emails for once and i see that gigi hadid manager emailed me,one minute ago.

the manager basically said that we can reschedule for today. i smile sending back an email saying i'll be there.

my office door open and i look up to see aaliyah. "i saw you looking at me in the hallway" she say before walking past me

"no? what are you talking about?" i ask standing up following her

"why are you always following me to my desk?" she asks sitting down

"i want to see your face when i'm talking to you" i shrug before sitting down "so do have my answer for the date?"

"nope" she smiles

"you're saying no to the date or no as you don't have the answer?"

"i don't have the answer,mainly because you and your little wife are still together and i don't even like you like that honestly" she say

oh so we have one that likes to play hard to get?

"you know for a fact we aren't together anymore. we're just still married" i say

"then get divorced and then you can take me out...maybe" she say

i sigh before saying "we have a dinner to go to tonight,gigi's manager rescheduled"

"i'm busy,so no i won't be able to make it" she say

"busy doing what? you do nothing when you leave work" i laugh

"so now i have a lonely life?" she scoff

"i never said that,i'm just saying we all know after work you're just going to be drawing or either watching netflix" i say

"no...i'm actually going on a date"

"with who?" i ask feeling my blood boil. who is she to go on a date without answering my request of a date?

"robin,she's pretty cute. i bumped into her while walking out and we started talking" she smiles

she knew she was making me mad. she knew what she was doing,she was doing it on purpose.

i know exactly who she's talking about and if i find out in any way that she touched my aaliyah i will fire that bitch.

do i have a valid reason to fire her? no,i'll make up some shit.

"nice" i say before standing up and walking back to my desk

after a day of me not talking to aaliyah unless it was work related i'm now home.

i see eve sitting there reading a book. i walk upstairs not saying anything and take off my clothes.

i change into something else and head downstairs. "how was work?"she ask still keeping her eyes on the book

"you don't have to act like you care" i roll my eyes

"but i do. my actions lately has been so horrible and i just am so sorry" she say sitting the book down

"how could you literally cheat on me? i know damn well it wasn't cause i didn't satisfy you in bed because i know i did my job there but what did i do or didn't do that caused you to do that" i rant

"i don't even know why i cheated. you are everything,you're the best wife anyone can ask for. i think it's because i felt i wasn't good enough for you,i really don't know. i regret it so much. other than the time i kissed aaliyah i've only cheated once and that was with my ex co worker at my old job."

"you were good enough for me eve. you were everything to me and you still are in some way. you just fucked up badly and in order for me to forgive you it'll take awhile and i need you to prove that you want better for us" i say

"i'll do anything it takes to save our marriage" she say

"i love you,forever" i say before kissing her

she kisses me back for a moment before pulling away. her face then starts to change and i immediately say "i know what you're thinking and no i do not have feelings for her"

she smiles before pulling me back in. i feel like what i'm feeling for aaliyah is lust. yes i might so call look at her like i'm in love when in reality i'm not.

i'm in love with eve.

"i have to go to a meeting but i'll be back" i say placing one last kiss on her lips

"okay,see you when you get home" she smiles

"see you" i smile before leaving out the house

The Assistant; Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now